Militancy In The Niger Delta Region: The Facts AndThursday, June 9, 2016
The Niger-Delta is the host of Multinational Oil and Gas Companies (MOGCs) operating in Nigeria. It supplies about ninety percent (90%) of crude oil and gas resources, which form the bulk of the Nigeria amp;apos;s mono-cultural economy. Since SHELL struck oil in Olobiri in 1956, the region has be ...
Bring Back Our Old National AnthemWednesday, May 25, 2016
quot;Nigeria We Hail Thee quot; (1960-1978), words by Lilian Jean Williams, a British expatriate and music by Frances Benda was Nigeria 39;s first anthem in use until 1978 when the government changed it, reasons best known to them. This is an anthem that those born in the 80 39;s down to this ... |
MOHAMMADU BUHARI: The Messianic SalvagerMonday, February 8, 2016
Many harsh reactions trailed President MOHAMMADU BUHARI 39;s address in the European Union Parliament plenary session, both in the print and social media by Nigerians when he hailed ex-president Goodluck Ebele Jonathan for conceding defeat. He also restated commitment to rescuing missing Chibok gir ... |
Highway LibationSaturday, January 16, 2016
Four years from threescore Her shrine stinks still Littered with filthy chief priests Eating roasted yams with palm oil In an earthen pot. The worshippers are crushed; They offer tip off sacrifices To appease the gods of the roads Who bathe their hands With foul on their warmth palms. ... |
British Intervention In Nigeria—A CurseMonday, August 10, 2015
British intervention in Nigeria is a curse rather than a blessing. Radical historians and scholars believed that Britain employed colonialism which is an aspect of imperialism to prepare the minds and brains of Nigerians for the exploitation and plundering of their economic resources. The British ... |
A Synopsis Of How The Isoko Nation Came To BeingSaturday, August 8, 2015
The nucleus of this articles is to acquaint all sundry of Isoko origin, the several myths of traditions of origins surrounding the evolution of the ISOKO NATION, knowing very well that more than half of the descends- both young and old, have no knowledge of the stories of their origin. Nevert ... |
We Are Who We AreSaturday, August 8, 2015
It is obvious that we are clearly too concerned about our looks rather than the way we are because we allocate most of our time and resources to the care of the body, neglecting more worthwhile pursuits; or when our true identity of who we are is so dependent on how we appear to others that w ... |
History: A Prerequisite To Societal Survival And DevelopmentThursday, August 6, 2015
A common misconception is usually demonstrated towards the study of HISTORY as a discipline by contemporaneous compatriots throughout the stream of academic studies, irrespective of the levels they are in the various institutions. Going by the remarks elicited from the sample study carried out am ... |
More Guidance And Counseling Services Needed In Nigeria SchoolsWednesday, August 5, 2015
The apparent ignorance of many young people about career prospects in the view of the personality maladjustment among school children/adults, necessitated the federal government to appoint career officers and counselors in post-primary institutions through the Federal Ministry of Education, h ... |
The Need For More Guidance And Counseling Services In Nigeria SchoolsTuesday, August 4, 2015
The apparent ignorance of many young people about career prospects in the view of the personality maladjustment among school children/adults, necessitated the federal government to appoint career officers and counselors in post-primary institutions through the Federal Ministry of Education, hence, t ... |