FIFA WC: Equatorial Guinea Forfeit Qualifiers Over Ineligible Nsue

By Chimezie Nebolisa

Equatorial Guinea have had to forfeit their first two 2026 World Cup qualifiers after a Fifa Disciplinary Committee ruled that former Spain junior international Emilio Nsue was ineligible to play in both matches.

The 34-year-old scored the winning goal in both of those games, against Namibia and Liberia, last November.

Nsue has also been banned for six months from international football, FIFA confirmed in a statement on Friday, though they did not shed light on the specific reasons for his ineligibility.

It is a repeat case after Equatorial Guinea also had to forfeit two matches in the 2014 World Cup qualifiers for fielding Nsue. No reason for his ineligibility was given by FIFA on that occasion either.

But curiously, he did play in the qualifiers for the 2018 and 2022 World Cup finals.

Equatorial Guinea beat both Liberia and Namibia 1-0 in their first two qualifiers for 2026, but those will now be awarded as 3-0 losses.