‘Have Been Missing My Former Life’- Nigerian Idol Winner, Yeka Onka

Source: Bolatito/Nigeriafilms.com
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Yeka Onka, is one lady, who is determined to get to the height of her career with a dint of hard work and she seems to be climbing the ladder as she recently won herself fame and fortune by emerging winner of the 2011 edition of the Nigerian Idol.

Yeka, is 26 year-old singer, model and a 200-level History and International Relations student of University of Calabar. She came from a music family and is the last child of the family.

Yeka who plans to work harder musically to become a respected music act in the country and beyond already perceives the challenges that lie ahead of her. 'I need ‎​hard work, more hard work and more hard work! Many great musicians like Tu-face, Asa, MI and others worked hard to be where they are right now. People pay their dues in the industry and I am ready to work hard and make my dream a reality,' she said.

‎​‎​With N7.5m star prize and N5m recording contract with other gifts items in her kitty, Yeka is riding on fame, '‎​I would miss the former life I had before Nigerian Idol, where it was just me and my loved ones. My phone has been ringing since I won the Nigerian Idol. A lot of people I've not even met are happy for me, and I'm excited that they are happy but then I know fame comes with lots of friends and I'm gearing
up for it,' she added.

‎​‎Yeka is currently working with her management team and they are planning to release the champion's song, produced by Jesse Jags has been toast of very radio stations. She has also promised to kick start her pet-project courtesy of Nigerian Idol.