2nd November ises, Requesting for a femail singer to sing the Queenof England for the Coronation.
Message to Haile Selassie I, on His Coronation as Emperor of Ethiopia.
November 1, 1930.
On Behalf of the American people and Government I have great pleasure in extending to Your Majesty my most sincere felicitations on the happy occasion of Your Majesty's coronation and my best wishes for Your Majesty's health and happiness.
I am sure that my Special Ambassador has not failed to express my best wishes to your Majesty and my confidence that the traditional ties of friendship and mutual understanding which so happily exist between our two countries, as well as the sympathetic cooperation of our peoples' will be further strengthened during Your Majesty's reign.
Herbert Hoover.
His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa.
NOTE: H. Murray Jacoby was the President's Special Ambassador to the coronation.
Toasts of the President and Emperor Haile Selassie I, of Ethiopia. May 26 1954.
President Eisenhower.
Your Majesty, ladies and gentlemen:
During the past century and a half, there have been entertained within these walls many individuals of distinction - some of our own country, some visiting us from abroad. I think it is safe to say that never has any company here gathered been honoured by the presence in their guest of honour of an individual more noted for his fierce defence of freedom and for his courage in defending the independence of his people than the guest of honour this evening.
I read once that no individual can really be known to have greatness untill he has been tested in adversity. By this test, our guest of honour has established new standards in the world. In 5 years of adversity, with his country overrun but never conquered, he never lost for one single second his dignity. He never lost his faith in himself, in his people, and in his God.
I deem it a very great privilege, ladies and gentlemen, to ask you to rise and with me to drink a Toast to His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of Ethiopia.
NOTE: The President proposed this toast at a state dinner at the White House, at 9:45 p.m. The Emperor responded as follows:
I thank you, Mr President, for the kind sentiments which you have expressed on this occasion, because I take them, not as addressed to me, but to my beloved people.
I have accepted your kind invitation, Mr President, to come to the United States and visit your nation, because it has offered me the occasion to express the depth of my appreciation and that of my people for your friendship and assistance which encouraged and aided us in resuming our march on the road to progress from which we had been detained by the imperatives of war. That assistance is today, in yet more varied forms, strongly impelling us forward on the path of progressive development.
By your great comprehension of the problems with which Ethiopia faced, it has been possible for us to achieve, with your help, considerable progress in the solution of the present hour.
The smoothness of this collaboration notwithstanding the barriers of distance and language and the breadth and richness of our relations attained during the half-century to which you, Mr President, have alluded, constitute the supreme manifestation of that extraordinary flexibility of understanding and felicity of spirit with which you, as a nation, have been endowed, and of the trust and confidence which you inspire in the minds of others.
I raise my glass to the men and women of the great and noble American nation, and to its heroic and distinguished chief, President Eisenhower and, last but not least, to his consort and wife who so charmingly represents in her person the women of the United States and the role which they play in giving leadership to American thoughts and ideals throughout the world.
Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia. May 26 1954.
President John F. Kennedy, remarks at Union Station to Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia. October 1, 1963.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I know I speak on behalf of all my fellow Americans in welcoming His Imperial Majesty back to the United States.
In welcoming His Majesty, we honour not only a distinguished leader of his country and a distinguished world figure, but we also welcome a man whose place in history is already assured. His memorable and distinctive appearance before the League of Nations in the mid-thirties which so stirred the conscience of the world was supported prior to that by action, and has been supported in its high hopes, by the consistent support which His Imperial Majesty has given to those efforts since the end of the Second War to associate free nations together in common enterprises, support in the effort in Korea, his support of the most recent effort in the Congo, the strong support he has given to the United Nations and, perhaps most celebrated of all, his leadership in building a community of free and independent states in Africa.
Since His Majesty visited the United States nearly a decade ago, we have seen one of the most extraordinary revolutions in history, and that has been the appearance on the world scene of 29 independent countries in the short space of less than 10 years including over 150 million people.
The conference recently held in His Majesty's capital served, I think, to bring together in a great, cooperative movement the people of most of these of these countries. And the success of that conference was due in no small part to the leadership of our distinguished guest.
Therefore, for what he has done in his own country, his efforts to move his country forward and provide a better life for its people and his efforts throughout the world, which stretch back over 30 or 40 years for all this, Your Majesty, we take the greatest pride in welcoming you here.
You do us honour, and I can assure you that there is no guest that we will receive in this country that will give a greater sense of livelier pride and satisfaction to the American people than your presence here today.
Your Majesty, you are most welcome.
NOTE: The President spoke at noon on the platform at Union Station where Emperor Haile Selassie I, was given a formal welcome with full military honours.
Emperor Haile Selassie I, at the White House.
Feb 13 1967.
Mr President, Mrs Johnson, distinguished guests;
First of all, Mr President, I wish to state my satisfaction of the fact you have recovered as spiritedly from your recent difficulty with your health. It is nice to see you in the state that I find you today.
Each generation thinks that the situation it faces is the most serious one, the most difficult among those which were faced by generations of the past. However this may be true today, I believe, when we say the task of this generation is burdensome, we mean it.
Because of the progress mankind has achieved and because of the difficulties that are at times part and parcel of progress and prosperity, we find ourselves at a crossroad where we might make the world safe for our future generation or we might all perish together.
The friendship between the United States and Ethiopia is one of long standing. Our association in the past many decades. I hope, has been fruitful for both our peoples. Because the United States and Ethiopia believe in the same fundamental and essential goals, it is necessary that we should put our efforts together so that we may make maximum contribution for the safety, happiness and prosperity of the generations to come.
In our discussions, Mr President, I hope we will have the occasion of considering certain questions of mutual concern, of exchanging views in a frank and open manner, and arriving, I am confident at a consensus of understanding.
I believe that these are not confined to our times and that leaders must from time to time come together, face each other, and discuss problems they share in common. It is not enough that we deal through diplomatic channels.
Mr President, I know of the immense responsibility you carry for the safety of mankind, for the maintenance of peace. I know also of your splendid effort in maintaining national peace and security. I am glad, under the circumstances, that you are able to consider my coming to the United States for the purpose of dealing with matters of mutual interest.
Ethiopia and Ethiopians are labouring today not only for the peace and prosperity of our people, but also, realizing the fundamental common interest which we share with other African people, we have dedicated Ourselves to building a united and more prosperous Africa. We found that the interest that affects Africa affects also Ethiopia and vice versa, because our destiny with the African Continent is a common one.
We have to put up a common effort to see that the Continent's interests are protected. As it is well known, the Organization of African Unity was established in Addis Ababa. I believe this organization has made a good beginning in the interest of all of the African people.
I hope, Mr President, during our private conversations I will have an opportunity of exchanging views with you about matters of mutual concern, as well as matters that relate to the Organization of African Unity.
Let me say, again, that I am glad to be in the United States today and I pray that our discussions will bear fruit. Thank you.
Feb 3rd 1967. Emperor Haile Selassie I, at the White House.
1st February 1965
Your Imperial Majesty:
I thank you for the kind words in which you have proposed this toast, and through you, would wish to thank the people of Addis Ababa for the enthusiastic welcome which they gave to myself and my husband on our arrival here today.
For centuries our two countries were at opposite confines of the known world. Although men talked of a Christian Kingdom in the high mountains of Africa in the middle ages, It was only later, In the seventeenth century, that the first recorded contact was made; and a century later that the Scottish explorer, James Bruce, traveled to the sources of the Nile.
The first official British mission to this country was conducted on behalf of my ancestor, King George 3rd , to your Imperial Majesty's great-great-grandfather, King Sahle Selassie.
In 1897 a treaty of friendship was signed with the Emperor Menelik11. This friendship has remained the cornerstone of our relations into modern times and it continued through the dark days of 1935 and 1936, when your Imperial Majesty came to Britain after a gallant and heroic defiance of a ruthless aggressor, until your triumphal return to Addis Ababa in 1941. This followed a campaign in which our troops fought shoulder to shoulder to restore freedom and independence..
The stirring history of Ethiopia is unique in Africa and it has given Your Imperial Majesty and the people of this country a leading influence in Africa at a critical moment in the political development of this great continent.
In this Hall, some twenty months ago, a historic dinner was held to mark the first Summit meeting of the Heads of African States. That gathering, so full of promise for the future of Africa, was taken on the initative of Your Imperial Majesty. Today, Addis Ababa is the headquarters of the Organization of African Unity and so, in a sense, the center of the African continent. This is the beginning of a splendid concept, and we wish you continued success in such great work.
For many years, Britain has been intimately concerned with the prosperity and political advancement of Africa. The heritage we have left is the independent Commonwealth; of this Your Imperial Majesty saw something last summer when you visited Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.
It is my hope that the pattern of commercial and industrial relations, which Britain and Ethiopia have so long enjoyed to their mutual benefit, may long continue. Not only is our trade increasing; but, more important perhaps, our investment is expanding. British capital and commercial enterprise are welcomed in Ethiopia. British merchants, engineers and bankers are being drawn here and are keen to find new opportunities.
The British Council provides teachers and scholarships and contributes to the upkeep of two schools, the Wingate School and the English School. In the world of medicine we are giving assistance to the Medical Faculty at the Haile Selassie I, University, and to the Princess Tashai Memorial Hospital. In agriculture and other spheres of technical development cooperation is close and fruitful.
As we drove in through this splendid and beautiful city this evening, we saw something of the face of modern Ethiopia; a shining example of peaceful and purposeful progress achieved under the enlightened leadership of Your Imperial Majesty. We saw how this ancient land was taking advantage of technological progress for the benefit of her people.
All these things have made my husband and me most eager to see something of the new developments in other parts of the country; of your industry, education, medicine and agriculture; of the widely praised beauty of your countryside, and of your ancient capitals of Gondar and Axum. We are deeply grateful for your hospitality. We are conscious above all, that as friendship between our two countries will deepen and endure.
It is my privilege to be the first reigning British Sovereign to set foot on Ethiopian soil. But your beautiful country is not unknown to my family. My uncle, the Duke of Gloucester, was here for Your Imperial majesty's Jubilee in 1958; he was here, too, some twenty-seven years earlier at the time of your Coronation. Now at last my husband and I can make the acquaintance, at first hand, of a heroic and historic country which has long fascinated us. It is my hope that this occasion tonight in the Banqueting Hall of your predecessor, the Emperor Menelik 2nd , that great unifier of your country, will prove to be a happy augury for the future relations between Europe and Africa.
I ask you to rise and drink to the health of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor and the people of Ethiopia.
Addis Ababa
4th February 1965
My Lord Mayor:
It is a great pleasure to my husband and me to be here tonight as your guest at the opening of your magnificent new City Hall. This splendid modern building will be an ornament to the City of Addis Ababa.
I am proud to know that there has been some British contribution to the planning and growth to this City – in many ways the capital of modern Africa.
I thank you, My Lord mayor, for the great compliment which you have offered me in giving me the Freedom of your city, although after Monday's moving welcome I hardly feel that I any longer need the key.
I wish good health to you My Lord Mayor.
5th February 1965
My Lord Mayor:
It is a great pleasure and honor for me to be given the Freedom of this your historic City of Gondar. Even in our distant country of Britain we know of the ancient splendor of your city. We have an enduring link in that Consul Plowden, one of the most distinguished men in the joint story of our two countries, lies buried here.
My husband and I are also much moved by the gracious welcome accorded to us by the clergy.
We shall always treasure in memory this brief visit to the ancient home of your Kings and your Church.
May I thank you, my Lord Mayor, and with you, the people of Gondar, for your kind and hospitable welcome.
7th February 1965
My Lord Mayor:
I am most honored to be given the freedom of this fine City of Asmara, and I thank you for the key which symbolizes it. It gives me great pleasure to agree to your kind suggestion that one of your streets should bear my name. . My husband and I had heard of the remarkable diversity of Ethiopia, its land, people and customs, long before our arrival here last week. It is now our privilege to see for ourselves something of this sturdy maritime land of Eritrea. We are enjoying our stay here and are most grateful for your hospitality.
The links between your people and mine are strong. For twelve years, up to 1952, the British helped to build up the civil administration of Eritrea. Our friendships have survived the intervening years, and I should like to think that, for you, too, something more tangible has survived.
Today, agriculture and industry, especially the cotton industry, are developing apace. Important works are in hand to expand the key ports of Massawa and Assab, and the Navy and the Merchant Marine are based on your shores. Eritrea is playing a vital part in the affairs of this great African country and I trust that the future may be a prosperous one.
7th February 1965
Your Imperial Majesty:
It is with some emotion that I thank you for your kind words and gracious toast at this closing moment of our visit to Ethiopia. For my husband and me these have been seven unforgettable days. We shall take away indelible impressions of the beauty of your country, of the warmth of your kindly people's welcome to us and the prosperity and advancement in every sphere achieved under Your Imperial Majesty's guidance.
May I also express our appreciation for your personal kindness and hospitality to us and to our Household?
Your Imperial Majesty, I have brought home to Ethiopia two treasures which left here nearly a hundred years ago, at a moment when the relations between our two countries were far different from those which so happily unite us today.
As I raise my glass to your health, happiness and long prosperity, may I ask Your Imperial Majesty, as a token of our gratitude and esteem for your Throne and Person, to accept from me the Royal Cap and Imperial seal of the Emperor Theodore.