Oba Igweship: Regent Says It is Time for Oba people to Put their House in Order
Kicks Against Cancellation of Dec. 31st General Assembly

The Regent of Oba, Prince Noel Ezenwa has called on Oba people to apply laws and regulations governing their community and in extension State Government towards resolving their problems in order to achieve unity and success in all endeavors.
According to a press release signed by Prince Noel Ezenwa and made available to newsmen, As the Regent am held to a fatherly responsibility of protecting both the minority and the majority of our citizens with a simple aid of using the constitution.
"The meeting of 31st December 2024 should have been held to propose the court order to be applied in mending our constitution but rather I received an sms from the PG inviting me for a 'stakeholders' meeting the same date- 31st December,2024 by 1pm at Nelly Newtown Hotel Oba.
"Responding to the SMS, I sent the PG an SMS immediately saying: This is strange to me because today is the General meeting of OPU from time immemorial .Your meeting should be scheduled before or after our General Meeting. The entire citizens of Oba worldwide meet today and it’s SACROSANCT and so I can’t be part of a meeting to subvert the General Meeting of OPU on every 31st December," Ezenwa stated.
"We must apply our laws and regulations to perfect our union and resolve our issues .
"It is difficult to pretend that all is well and rosy with our union. So many things have happened to put us in this precarious position and state of confusion.
"I was indeed pleased when Oba Patriotic Union OPU and Aboji people reached a 'consent judgement' for which I congratulated both parties and pleaded to keep faith with their agreement and to do the needful to bring same in play in the search for a new Igwe.
"I also cautioned the OPU to do all in its power to resolve all other grey areas in its march to give us a new Igwe.
"When the OPU fixed an election few days after the ruling of the consent judgement with no “CTC” available I assumed they must have taken steps to do the needful to make it hitch free . Unfortunately some groups including the Aboji Village they were in court with protested to government that the principal aspect of adopting the judgement into the Oba Constitution was yet to be implemented. As it stands Oba existing constitution does not support the process adopted by OPU in executing the election not to mention in addition a lis pendis, that is an existing court case. Governments action before and after this anomaly is in print media and also carried on radio and TV. We must comply with the laws of our land it’s as simple as that.
"In spite of this, some people are still carrying on as if nothing has happened but the town has been put in turmoil and greatly polarized.
"Aside from this, we still have about 9 able bodied men languishing in cell at Abuja on account of Oba and nothing is being said or done about them. This is another scar on our face that could hinder young people from giving voluntary services to the community. Added to the fact that it has now come to my notice that no budget or plan has been put forward by the OPU about the money raised by indigenes for the enhancement of our security apparatus.
"These are problems facing the community that needs answers and clarification to make the union move in the right direction. I had hoped that the December 31, 2024 assembly would have found solutions to these mirage of problems.
"It is hoped that this is a clarion call to put our house in order rather than being brazen in our conduct most especially against the simple directives from the State Government.
"Taa bu gboo! It is not late to begin well today. God helping us, we shall succeed. May God continue to bless, protect, guide and prosper Oba and its people. I wish you all a prosperous New Year.