Thank You So Much For Upholding Justice By Ordering Israel To Stop War In Gaza: Open Letter To International Court Of Justice

By Alexander Opicho (Nairobi, Kenya)

America is giving Israel bombs to kill the unarmed people in Gaza. This is why Israel is stubborn to the extent of ignoring the order by the International Court of Justice. The lawful order, which has instructed Israel to stop irrational killing of women, children and peasants in Gaza. Israel is killing these civilians for no reason, it only wants to eliminate them because they are Arabs or they are Muslims. However, Israeli’s major objective is to eliminate the peasant Arabs from Gaza so that the Jewish-American settlers can take over their land under which are oil wells. Contextually, America and Israel are displaying highest level of Military Savagery.

Most savage of all is for Israel to defy the order given by the highest court in the world, the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Israel is ONLY defying the order because it is sure of getting more bombs from America. This is not acceptable even though Israel is sheltering under American superior weaponry. We the living ones do not want this kind of materialist barbarity being displayed by America through its military out-post of Israel. We want peace and world order that is driven by law and respect for otherness. This is so because the world can only live by law, not by war. And it is true; we want to make law not war.

It is out of this law making conscience, but not war making savagery, that I appeal to all morally conscious, peace loving and woke people, youths, ladies and gentlemen, from all of over the world to come out and protest against all Israel embassies, goods, products, services and relationships wherever they happen to be . Such peace loving actions may help to make Israel deflate its ego to stop its actions of massacre spree in Gaza. Morally obligated consciousness will obviously show you that trading with Israel is as good us bombing a pregnant peasant Arab woman in Gaza. Let us all come out and do something to help the vulnerable people in Gaza that are being massacred by American bombs thrown by Israel.

Israeli social savagery makes Benjamin Netanyahu to argue that orders issued by International Court of Justice are overtones of anti-Semitism. Let me tell Benjamin Netanyahu that Pro-Semitism is not important, neither a vogue virtue of modern civilization. It is humanity, which is so important. If at all we can protect humanity by practicing ant-Semitism, then it is far much better, urgent and imperative that good people of the world come out fully to practices anti-Semitism to help in making Israel to stop dropping American bombs on civilian and unarmed Arab children, women, pregnant mothers and peasants in Gaza. Moreover, Arabs in Gaza are also Semites. It is Israel, which is practicing extreme Auto-anti-Semitism by dropping American bombs on pregnant Arab women. It must stop this American fueled military savagery. That is why I am proud to say thank you to the International Criminal Court (ICC) and International Court of Justice (ICJ) to be alive to these facts and living truth.

Alexander Opicho writes from, Nairobi, Kenya

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