Let Us All Say No! To America’s And Israeli Millitary Savagery In Palestine

By Alexander Opicho (Nairobi, Kenya)
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Alexander Opicho

Peace Nobel Prize 2024 will possibly be awarded to the protesting students of Columbia University, it on the basis that I make this article as an open letter to Eric Adams, mayor of New York. Firstly, I salute and congratulate the students of Columbia University, who came out to protest against the military savagery that America is perpetrating on Palestine by using its military outpost of Israel. Without fearing the highest degree of savagery and brutality of force that American political machinery perpetrates in the Middle East by using Israel as its weapon of violence, the young girls and boys from diverse background without any weapon nor physical mettle but only armed with power of reason, self-immolation and sense of humanity, came out of the University of Columbia to use the most peaceful means in the name of non-violent demonstration to say ‘NO’ to American military imperialism displayed through Israel settler brutality on the peasants of Palestine.

In the same measure, I also salute all other young people, boys and girls in universities and colleges in America as well as from all other parts of the world who has come out to protest America’s war on the Middle East. Dear lovely youths of the present world, whatever you are doing is out of moral dutifulness that only those who are morally conscious can execute. You have beautifully executed noble duties in service to dignity of humanity found in freedom from military savagery. You will not be materially reward now, but you are making the earth a safe place for man.Safe from those that want to assert the excesses, excesses inspired by their unchecked history of primitive accumulation. I still urge you young people of the world to live above traditional political asinine of power and politics to remain woke so that those wretched of the earth wallowing in the mire of vulnerability and powerlessness can be socially safe through your collectively self-less choices. Dear verdant and valiant youths of our modern times , wherever you are and whatever you are, please I urge you to widen the scope of your intellectual social responsibility so that you can help to protect the poor and the powerless citizens of the earth from all kind of dictatorships; ecological,military,gender,technological and any other kind of brutality perpetrated by those in power unto the powerless.

Dear modern open-minded youths, because you are my target audience, and it is obvious that you are good students, let me tell you about the conversation that took place in 1930 between Rabindranath Tagore and Albert Einstein. They are Literature and Physics Nobel Laureates respectively. Tagore was for personal discipline as well as internal spiritual cleanliness as a basis to achieving world peace.Eistein was for western power and material accumulation to muster violence for the world power to brutalize other states into silence, which will be mistaken to be peace. As if Einstein was a prophet only fifteen years later to design an atomic bomb that America used to bomb Nagasaki and Hiroshima into silence .But, still the atomic bomb never silenced the voice of reason against American Neo-Patrimonial Imperialism. The lesson here is clear military conquest and military savagery being perpetrated on the civilians, women, children, Arabs, and un-armed people of Palestine will never make America a great civilization.

One does not need to be knowledgeable in logic of international relations to learn that America can be a very misleading friend. America is a friend who can mislead other states and when all goes bad, he leaves them in the lurch. Active history of America’s relation to Ukraine and Israel is testimony to this conclusion. America has been flirting with Ukraine, so that it uses Ukraine’s proximity to Russia as a stronghold from which to spy on Russia or even execute military aggression on Russia. Look Russia has reacted with a full-fledged military execution on Ukraine, America is not in any way protecting Ukraine, Neither does it have any military mettle to Counter Russia. In a nutshell, friendship with America can mean a lot of diplomatic moonshine

It has been the same kind of relationship that America has had with Israel. America has always trained Israel to act as a bomb-throwing agent for America. An agent that throws bomb to unarmed civilians in Arabs states in the Middle East. Israel conceded to this fallacy out of faith that America will protect Israel in the entire situation, now we have had unanimous voting at the UN general Assembly for Palestine to become a full member of the United Nations Security Council. All these happen because the world is very tired of America’s diplomatic insensitivity to the poor world and Israel’s Apartheid mentality perpetrated on both African migrants and native Palestinians inside the Country of Israel. Above all else, the truth lurks like a hobgoblin from the nether world;-America with all its mighty of primitively accumulated material power cannot help to stop humanity’s rejection of Apartheid in Israel.

This is why I appeal to those of us conscious about human freedom and woke to diplomatic dissembling by being wary to the Imperialist intentions of those that are materially mighty; to participate in calling upon all the civil societies, students in all countries, Mosques, Churches, Libraries, Publishers, Boda-Boda riders, bar owners, wine-sellers, sex workers, labourers, journeymen, hamlet dwellers, Medicals workers, scholars, publishers, intellectuals, engineers , hospital keepers and all of you in your diverse capacities of love for freedom , peace and dignity of human life to come out and SAY ‘NO!’ to America’s Military savagery in Palestine by holding non-stop public demonstrations and boycotts at the door steps of Israel and American Embassies in all your countries. Do not fear, please don t be silent when America is givng Israel bombs to kill unarmed pregnant women in Gaza. Come out and Protest! Protest because just like in the words of Dante; hottest place in ‘Hell’ is reserved for those who saw something bad happening yet they said nothing.

Alexander Opicho writes from Nairobi,Kenya

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