A Letter To You

By Odimegwu Onwumere

My Dear, greetings.

At a time we have immense challenges because of the directionless political policies around, I hope this letter gets to you well not to lose hope.

It is a biting situation we all are affected in the challenging state of hopelessness. Remember that we survived the unprecedented pandemic of yesteryears, when we were locked up in the room christened lockdown by the government authorities, either to fatten up of lose body. We were left with no food, nor electric nor water and other essential amenities, but we survived except some people who paid the supreme prize by giving up.

We know that there won't be a quick fix of what we are going through but it is crucial we individually put our mental, physical and spiritual selves together knowing that we shall surmount the odds no matter the certainly challenging situations.

It is a cycle that will also pass and belong to history. The fallout will be detrimental so much when you replace positive thoughts with doubt and anxiety. Reach out to others and seek their wisdom while you are feeling down. It is time we dived into our people for inspiration in order to reframe our thinking. Understand that where there is hope, there is always a way out.

Be optimistic. I hope you will ponder after reading this letter. Such ponder is to tell you that where there seems to be a finite embarrassment of living, there is a finite resilience to keep on pushing. We are overcomers. Just be hopeful even through the pains.

~Odimegwu Onwumere

May 7, 2024.