Transparency in Policing: Addressing Missed Opportunities for Equitable Recognition of Sacrifice and Advocating Decentralized Law Enforcement

Source: Prof. John Egbeazien Oshodi
Prof. John Egbeazien Oshodi
Prof. John Egbeazien Oshodi

The delayed disclosure of the deaths of the police officers in Delta State reveals systemic shortcomings within the Nigeria Police Force, perpetuating a troubling narrative of opacity and disregard for both public trust and the welfare of officers' families. Beyond a mere bureaucratic delay, this instance underscores a fundamental failure of leadership and ethical responsibility, where the imperative of maintaining a polished image outweighs the imperative of transparency and accountability.

In the aftermath of the tragedy, bereaved families found themselves not only grappling with the profound loss of their loved ones but also navigating a vacuum of information and support from the very institution their relatives served. This lack of timely communication and empathetic outreach from the police authority speaks volumes about a culture that prioritizes optics over human connection, leaving grieving families isolated and disheartened.

Moreover, the delayed disclosure not only deepened the anguish of the affected families but also ignited a groundswell of public outrage and indignation. Citizens, already disillusioned by pervasive corruption and impunity, viewed this incident as yetanother manifestation of institutional failure and negligence. The stark contrast between the swift response of the military in analogous circumstances only served to exacerbate these sentiments, amplifying calls for accountability and reform within the police force.

The recourse to social media platforms like Facebook to express grievances reflects not only the power of digital connectivity in amplifying dissent but also the profound alienation felt by citizens from traditional avenues of recourse and redress. The heartfelt posts and pleas for justice from grieving family members underscore the human toll of institutional opacity and underscore the urgent need for systemic change.

The subsequent protests outside police headquarters in Benin, led by Kola Edokpayi, represent a palpable expression of collective frustration and disillusionment. Beyond mere demands for answers, these demonstrations symbolize a broader yearning for a more accountable and responsive policing apparatus—one that is grounded in principles of transparency, empathy, and integrity.

In hindsight, had the police force demonstrated a modicum of professional and ethical responsibility, promptly notifying and extending condolences to the families of the fallen officers, it could have mitigated some of the anguish and resentment that followed. However, the failure to do so not only deepened the wounds of the bereaved but also eroded trust in the very institution tasked with upholding law and order.

This incident underscores the importance of transparency and timely communication by law enforcement agencies. In contrast to the secrecy initially surrounding the incident, the military's prompt disclosure of similar events highlighted the necessity for openness in such matters.

Moving forward, it is imperative for the Nigeria Police Force to prioritize transparency and accountability to regain the trust and respect of both the public and the families of fallen officers. Timely communication not only fosters empathy but also demonstrates a commitment to justice and honoring the sacrifices of those who serve.

The public and President Bola Tinubu's recognition of the sacrifices made by the military through gestures like awarding scholarships and providing housing in Delta State is commendable. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that similar support could have been extended to the police. The delay in disclosing the deaths of the police officers suggests a desire to maintain a certain image, rather than prioritizing equitable recognition of sacrifice. This disparity highlights the need for transparency and integrity in all facets of public service, ensuring that every fallen hero is honored and supported regardless of their affiliation. As we strive for a fairer and more just society, it's essential to uphold transparency and accountability at every level.

Therefore, it is imperative for authorities to prioritize transparency over image management in all facets of public service. Only by doing so can they rebuild trust with the communities they serve and ensure that the sacrifices of all officers, regardless of their affiliation, are duly acknowledged and honored.

Amidst the heart-wrenching grief expressed by the families of the fallen officers on social media platforms, a pervasive sense of betrayal and anger simmers beneath the surface. The prolonged silence from the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) about the incident serves as a painful reminder of the lack of transparency and accountability within law enforcement agencies. As families poured out their sorrow and lamentations on various Facebook accounts, their anguish was compounded by the realization that the truth had been concealed from them for several weeks.

The delay in disclosing the deaths of the police officers paints a grim picture of a system plagued by deception and misinformation. While the families grappled with the devastating loss of their loved ones, they were left in the dark about the circumstances surrounding the tragedy. The NPF's failure to open up about the incident only deepened the wounds of the grieving families, fueling feelings of mistrust and resentment towards the authorities entrusted with ensuring their safety.

Furthermore, as the truth gradually came to light, fueled in part by the outcry of grieving families and concerned citizens, the extent of the deception became painfully apparent. The revelation that the NPF had withheld crucial information for weeks, before revealing the full extent of the incident underscores a blatant disregard for transparency and integrity. It underscores the need for a fundamental overhaul of law enforcement practices to prioritize honesty and accountability above all else.

In the face of such egregious betrayal, the families of the fallen officers and the public at large demand answers and accountability from the NPF. The pain and anguish caused by the deception cannot be understated, and only through genuine acknowledgment of wrongdoing and a commitment to transparency can the wounds begin to heal. As calls for justice reverberate through the streets, it is imperative that law enforcement agencies heed the cries of the people and work tirelessly to rebuild the shattered trust between the guardians of justice and those they are sworn to protect.

Additionally, the revelation that the ambush on the police officers occurred prior to the incident involving the military amplifies concerns about the delayed disclosure of the police officers' deaths. It raises questions about the transparency and responsiveness of law enforcement authorities, especially in the face of such grave circumstances. The families of the fallen officers and the public are left to wonder why it took so long for the police to acknowledge and address the tragedy, particularly when the safety and security of officers are at stake.

This sequence of events underscores the urgent need for a comprehensive review of law enforcement protocols and procedures to ensure timely and transparent communication in times of crisis. It highlights the critical importance of prioritizing the safety and well-being of all officers and ensuring that they receive the support and recognition they deserve for their sacrifices. Only by addressing these systemic issues can law enforcement agencies rebuild trust with the communities they serve and uphold the principles of transparency and accountability that are essential for maintaining public confidence in the justice system.

As the nation moves towards reforming its policing system, there is a growing consensus that a transition to state policing is imperative. It is hoped that the incoming state police forces will embody principles of autonomy, transparency, and accountability to a degree not seen before.

Central to this vision is the concept of complete autonomy for state police forces. These entities must not be beholden to any federal commission or control but rather answerable solely to their respective state governments and legislatures. This independence is crucial in ensuring that policing priorities align closely with the unique needs and challenges faced by each state.

Moreover, transparency must form the bedrock of the new state policing paradigm. Transparency entails not only open communication with the public but also a commitment to honesty and accountability in all aspects of law enforcement operations. It is through transparency that trust between law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve can be cultivated and maintained.

Furthermore, empathy must be ingrained within the ethos of state police forces. Policing is fundamentally a service-oriented profession, and officers must possess a deep understanding of and compassion for the communities they serve. Empathy fosters positive interactions between law enforcement and citizens, leading to greater cooperation and mutual respect.

Crucially, the era of lies and deception must come to an end with the advent of state policing. Honesty must be upheld as a non-negotiable principle, with the dissemination of accurate information being paramount. By eschewing falsehoods and embracing transparency, state police forces can build credibility and foster trust among the populace.

Training will play a pivotal role in shaping the culture of state police forces. Officers must undergo comprehensive training programs that emphasize the values of transparency, empathy, and truthfulness. This training should extend beyond technical skills to encompass ethical decision-making, community engagement, and conflict resolution.

In sum, the transition to state policing represents a historic opportunity to reimagine law enforcement in Nigeria. By prioritizing autonomy, transparency, empathy, and honesty, state police forces can emerge as trusted guardians of public safety, accountable to the communities they serve. It is through these principles that the vision of a fairer, more just, and more secure society can be realized.

Professor John Egbeazien Oshodi, born in Uromi, Edo State, Nigeria, is an American-based police and prison scientist, forensic psychologist, public policy psychologist, and legal psychologist. He’s a government advisor on forensic-clinical psychological services in the USA and the founder of the Dr. John Egbeazien Oshodi Foundation for Psychological Health. With a significant role in introducing forensic psychology to Nigeria through N.U.C. and Nasarawa State University, he’s also a former Secretary-General of the Nigeria Psychological Association. He’s taught at esteemed institutions like Florida Memorial University, Florida International University, Nova Southeastern University, and more, and is currently an online faculty member at Weldios University, Nexus International University, and Walden University. [email protected]

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