Hope Only Persists Where Better Options Exist

Source: Anthony Chuka Konwea, PhD, P.E.

A nation's fortunes, are intrinsically tied to the hope of its citizens in their future. When citizens are denied hope in their country's future, they scramble to leave, by voting with their feet.

You cannot instill hope by merely shouting Hope! Hope!! Neither can you bring about change by screaming Change! Change!! Any more than you can fill your pockets by chanting Money! Money!!

A state of hopelessness. That is precisely the tool expansionists who want to displace Indigenous Nigerians from their ancestral lands, still have left in their malicious arsenal.

Under the Muhammadu Buhari Maladministration, Nigeria is in such a wretched and hopeless state that even the US is evacuating families of its embassy staff from Nigeria.This sorry state has never happened before in Nigeria to the best of I and I’s recollection.

That is not a good sign. Unlike their Nigerian counterparts of doubtful loyalty to the country that pays for their sustenance, US Intelligence Services have a multitude of sources, human, communications intercepts, satellite reconnaissance etc, through which they gather information.

True, they are fallible, but who would you rather believe,between the discredited, unpatriotic, bigoted, tribalist, and thoroughly unprofessional Nigerian security services on one hand, and their US counterparts with nothing to gain or lose in discrediting Nigeria, on the other?

Does current president Muhammadu Buhari give Nigerians any hope when his Maladministration is so hopeless?

Does having Ahmed Bola Tinubu, a ruthless tax collector, and over-ambitious, expansionist collaborator, as President, give you hope as a Nigerian, that all will soon be well for all Nigerians?

Does having Atiku Abubakar, a cunning divider, and over-ambitious, closet expansionist, as President, give you hope in Nigeria’s future?

What will give you hope in Nigeria as a Nigerian, in this utterly wretched moment?

Surely anything or anyone that can make Nigeria and Nigerians work differently from the recent past.

Anything that will make Nigeria work fairly, and equitably,for all Nigerians, regardless of ethnic, religious, or social background.

There lies your hope in a brighter future and more united and progressive Nigeria.

So, Nigerians vote wisely. Vote massively. Vote to make a concrete change in Nigeria's future.

Nigeria cannot continue like this, sinking daily under the voracious appetites of locusts, hyenas, and vultures,which overwhelmingly populate the APC, the PDP, andespecially the Buhari Maladministration.

Come February 2023, assuming nothing untowardhappens between now and then, which sad occurrence is a distinct possibility, given the gigantic incompetence of the Buhari Maladministration, Nigerians have a date with destiny.

It is either you vote for a hopeful future, or for a repeat, continuation, and intensification of the recent ugly past. So cast your vote for a hopeful future, not with your greed, or tribal ego, in mind.

Before now you did not have any, but Jah Jesus Christushas given Nigeria options.

In response to multiple pleas for Divine Mercy, Jah has thrown down a ladder to help Nigerians escape from hell, misery, and wretchedness. Do not turn away from Jah’s help.

On election day, come out and vote massively for the Peter Obi/Yusuf Baba-Ahmed presidential ticket of the Labor Party.

Do so, not because they are perfect. Far from it. Truly they are far from perfect. But they appear more sincere. They will certainly make mistakes, but they are neither conceited nor arrogant, and are therefore especially amenable to correction.

Your perpetual duty as citizens is to express your views, opinions, and concerns, especially when things are goingwrong. Your added duty if you have the knowledge, exposure, and capacity to do so, is to proffer informed solutions, and enlightened advice to assist them in servingNigerians better.

The most stupid and hopeless situation possible is to grantauthority to idiotic people who go into office only to serve themselves, their egos, their health, their pride, their relatives, their prejudices, their religious, and their ethnic agendas, as is currently the case.

Such administrative nincompoops will always fail in their primary duty of listening, sifting, evaluating, and implementing patriotic solutions to emerging threats and problems confronting Nigeria as they arise.

You all know the case of the “big man” who according to Bola Tinubu was crying in public television after he lost a presidential election, but who while still in office, flew to South Korea at public expense, when Nigerians were drowning in the recent flood disaster.

Hopefully, the era of empty, useless, and hopeless, “big man, demi-god” Presidency will end with the current Muhammadu Buhari Maladministration.

Hopefully, the era of marginalization of Nigerians of whatever ethnicity or religion in their own country will end with the Buhari Maladministration. With that in mind, there is no excuse to stand-aloof by not voting wisely come February 2023. Lest you be personally complicit in Nigeria's misfortunes, if they persist.

As things stand right now, the only difference between Nigeria and hell, is that Nigerians have better options, whereas there are no good options in hell.

So, Nigerians, engage your best options by voting wisely.

We are watching đź‘€
Anthony Chuka Konwea, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE, MNSE, FNIStructE, MNICE.

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