Nigeria's Islamist Governments desperate craving to seize lands for Fulani Herdsmen: A catalyst for Nigeria’s demise and disaster

Source: Eze Eluchie, Esq.

A close scrutiny of the various land-grab schemes of the President Muhammadu Buhari administration reveals a very uncanny desire to appropriate lands belonging to other ethnic nationalities in Nigeria for the interest of Fulani Herdsmen, putting a lie-badge on Mr. Presidents avowal during his inauguration in 2015 that ‘I am for nobody and for everybody’.

First it was the ‘Grazing Routes’, which the President and his Minister of Defense claimed, the blockage of which were the cause of the atrocities being perpetuated by Fulani Herdsmen militia against indigenous mainly in the Middle Belt region of Nigeria; thereafter came the Rural Grazing Area (RUGA) Settlement Project wherein each State of the Federation was to carve out a minimum acreage for use of Fulani Herdsmen; then followed the National Livestock Transformation Plan (NLTP), same old wine of using public resources to forcefully appropriate lands for Fulani Herdsmen; the highly obnoxious ‘Nigeria Waterways Bill’ which sought to bring all rivers and their surrounding banks within the control of the Federal Government (also in direct contrast with the provisions of the Land Use Act; and now this latest brainwave of a rephrased ‘Grazing Route’ with the President and his handlers coming up with an imaginary 368 such routes. Like the schemes before, it, this too must fail.

In response to the statements contained in the recent announcement from the Office of the President contained in a Press Release signed by the Press Secretary to the President, Femi Adesina, regarding President Buhari’s directive that so-called ‘368 grazing routes across 25 States of Nigeria’ be documented with ‘dispatch’ ‘to determine the level of encroachment’ amongst other issues, the Igbo National Movement (INM) wishes to state as follows:

1. Blatant disregard of Constitutional provisions:

It is with utter dismay that INM observes the constant acts of brazen disregard, disrespect and utter contempt with which the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, General Muhammadu Buhari, has been treating the provisions of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 as amended, as it relates to the custody and ownership of lands and the authority duly vested with lands in the country. This impunity is indicative of either a realization by the President and his handlers that the Constitution is now defunct and thus can be breached with impunity, or outright mischief intended to create disaffection and rancor amongst Nigerians.

May we remind President Buhari that the entirety of the powers and attributes of the President of the Federal Republic is founded in the Constitution, and constant derogation therefrom will only serve to impugn on the integrity, relevance and utility of the said office and by extension, all other elected political offices and our efforts at democratic governance

2. Vesting of Lands:
The Nigerian Constitution, unequivocally, vests all lands in any State of Nigeria in the State Governors (for lands in urban areas) and in the Local Government authorities (for lands in rural areas) {Section 1 of the Land Use Act, which by Section 315(5) of the Nigerian Constitution, is an integral aspect of the Constitution of the Federal Republic}

The same Land Use Act which is made an integral aspect of the Constitution by Section 315(5) of the Constitution. The tenor of Section 26 of the Land Use Act, renders null and void all previous laws regarding control and ownership of lands in Nigeria. This means explicitly, that whatsoever pre-1970 legislations Mr. President and his handlers are relying upon as basis for whatsoever ‘grazing routes’, has lapsed, is extinct and now rendered null and void.

Considering the fact that the Vice President of the Federal Republic, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, and the Attorney General and Minister for Justice of the Federation, Abubakar Malami, are both senior lawyers, it can be presumed that the explicit provisions of the Constitution which vests all Lands in the country in the State Governors and Area Council authorities must have been brought to the knowledge of the Presidency before the release of the provocative Press Release on the spurious ‘385 grazing routes’.

3. Buhari’s desperation encourages brazen conducts by Fulani herdsmen across Nigeria:

INM is deeply worried by the fact that the continuing efforts by the Muhammadu Buhari-led Federal Government to appropriate lands belonging to other indigenous ethnic nationalities in Nigeria for the benefit of Fulani Herdsmen is directly encouraging the said Fulani Herdsmen to act in audaciously brazen manners across Nigeria, acting in manners to suggest they are above the laws and basically getting away with the commission of mass atrocities.

INM has observed with consternation the direct effects of the Federal Governments ill-advised continuing efforts at land-grab for Fulani Herdsmen in Benue, Kaduna, Nasarawa and Plateau States amongst others, where Fulani Herdsmen militia now forcefully occupy lands which they had seized from indigenous owners, in most cases wiping out entire settlements. In a revelation into the bizarre mindset and reasoning of the President and his handlers, the same Femi Adesina had publicly admonished indigenous ethnic nationalities not to challenge Fulani Herdsmen quest to seize their lands at the risk of being slaughtered, saying: “You can only have ancestral attachment to land when you are alive. If you are talking about ancestral attachment, if you are dead, how does that attachment matter”? Oddly enough, the Federal Government and its various security agencies inclusive of the Military, have whilst restraining the indigenous owners of these seized lands to Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Camps, have acquiesced and tacitly encouraged the Fulani Herdsmen to ‘enjoy’ their loot/conquest.

4. No Grazing Routes in Igboland
INM categorically asserts that no grazing routes exist in Igboland and thus urges the Muhammadu Buhari-led administration to steer clear of extending this desperation to seize lands for Fulani Herdsmen away from Igboland. In Igboland, open grazing of whatever domestic livestock is abhorred and in most communities’ sanctions are placed against owners of livestock found openly grazing or loitering t=in the community.

INM seizes this opportunity to state that the Governor of Ebonyi State, being the only Igbo man on the ‘technical committee’ empaneled by the President which had recommended the so-called ‘grazing routes’, was clearly on a personal frolic in assuming such unconstitutional duties and his actions and membership thereof and the recommendations emanating are just in pursuance of extant objectives harbored by the President, General Buhari.

INM calls on the Muhammadu Buhari-led government to desist from its parochial, bigoted and clannish efforts at seizing lands from indigenous ethnic nationalities with the intent of handing same over to Fulani Herdsmen under whatsoever guise. Governments continuation on this unconstitutional and unlawful vocation of attempting to seize lands will be vehemently challenged and resisted by the people.

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