February 21: Putting Prayer into Practice

By Bassey Ekong

Today, let’s take time to think about how we currently enter into prayer. We should ask ourselves some heartfelt questions: In what attitude or manner do I approach God in prayer? Am I casual about the sin in my life without regard to God’s holiness? Do I think I can get God to hear my prayers by doing good deeds – or do I come to Him through Christ alone? What does it mean to be a member of the priesthood of believers? Do I rejoice that I can enter God’s presence because of Christ’s sacrifice? I encourage you to practice what I have discussed in these few days, and you have learned about how to come into God’s presence.

Before you pray, review the ten steps of entering and remaining in the presence of God. See what steps you may be omitting and what areas you need to correct. Finally, consider your special God-given role a priest, or intercessor, before God on behalf of the world. Let that knowledge guide how you pray henceforth. Note: You are being built into a spiritual house, and a living sanctuary to be a holy priesthood.

Let’s pray: Heavenly father, your Word says that the pure in heart are truly blessed, because they will see you. I want to enter into your presence. I want to be in the place where you meet me. Guide me to that place, Lord. Forgive me for being careless and unthinking in the way I approach you. I acknowledge that you are Holy and righteous God. I receive the cleansing of my sins through the blood of Jesus. I worship you in humility and love. Thank you for the privilege of entering confidently into the place where you dwell, because of the atonement your Son, Jesus, made on my behalf. I offer this prayer in the name of Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away all of my sins. Amen.

Today’s reading: Numbers 1-2; Mark 3:1-19

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