Today's Christian Devotion 14-07-2018

By The Nigerian Voice

Genesis 41:42 And Pharaoh took off his ring from his hand and put it upon Joseph's hand and arrayed him in vestures of fine linen and put a gold chain about his neck.

Jacob loved and preferred Joseph and made him his favorite among his children and bought him a coat of multiple colours. And Joseph's brothers became very bitter and conspired against him and stripped him of his coat of many colours and said, let's see what will come out of his dream, but divinely, God substituted for him a glamorous and a better garment.

I pray for you this morning, that God shall make you his favorite. Your garment shall not be stripped from you. If your garment of glory has be spiritually taken from you unknown to you, God shall arise and restore you with heavenly designed garment. And if your garment of glory has been defiled with sin, God shall show mercy, and by his cleansing power, things will turnaround for you and your latter days shall be better than the former. Your glory shall shine above the powers of your father's house, in the Mighty name of Jesus...amen.

When the enemies rise up against you and your glory, they shall fail woefully, because Jesus is with you in Jesus name amen. Good morning and have a relaxing Saturday.