Which Is Worse...A Body Hit Or Psyche Hit?
Is it right for physically stronger women to hit men? You may have to hit a knife-wielding irate woman to disarm her in self defense. The assumption that the man must be the physically stronger party is another disgusting pointer to male chauvinism.
There is talk everywhere about training boys to grow up to respect girls without commensurate talks about rearing girls to use their mouths responsibly and respect boys and everyone else.
I have had cause to write about Yoruba women who seem to be particularly horrible in mouth use. It is as if Yorubas don't train their girls!
You see male midgets and malnourished males also struggling to gain attention as gender advocates.
All agree that women are better wired to use their mouths than fists ...as they denigrate men emotionally... orally pulverizing them as they harry them to suicides!
I would rather be punched in the face than be served copious doses of horrible words. I think users of the mouth do far more damage than users of fists can ever be capable of doing.
Noone has the right to hit anyone else...male or female.... With words or fists...
I get pissed off by all the one-sided arguments about not hitting a woman no matter the circumstances. They are not scientific. There is no always and no never in science!
Dr Tosin Akindele is a medical practitioner and public affairs analyst.