AASU On The Students’ Crisis At The Felix Houphouet-Boigny University
For almost a week the students of Felix Houphouet-Boigny University in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire clashed violently with the police on their campus.
The students were protesting against their living condition, the arrest of their leaders and the presence of police at their university.
We learnt with regret the decision of the Government to interdict any student activity and ban all student organizations in that fine country. AASU would like to register its displeasure at these measures and call for their immediate lifting. AASU calls for a peaceful resolution of the crisis through dialogue.
While urging the students to restrain from the use of violence in their quest to satisfy their demands, we call on the Government to take the necessary measures to create conducive study environment in order to footstall any such unfortunate occurrences in the future.
Yours in-students’ solidarity!
Awaah Fred
(Secretary General)
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