By NBF News

Sir Terry has hosted the Children In Need telethon since 1980

Sir Terry Wogan has called in to his old Radio 2 Breakfast show with news that BBC Children in Need raised a record-breaking £39m this year.

Speaking to new host Chris Evans, Wogan said the figure came during “the worst economic recession since the war.”

In November, the live Children in Need telethon raised £20.3m.

Wogan – who quit the radio show in December – also congratulated Evans for adding a million new listeners, joking that he should have left earlier.

Wogan also praised Evans' personal donation of £530,823 to the charity.

The new figure of £39m was reached by additional donations after November's telethon.

The charity's chief executive David Ramsen said: “We are thrilled to announce that we have raised a record amount of money which will make a real difference to young lives right across the UK”.

A second of four rounds of grants has been announced with £10.9m going to projects around the UK.

The London-based Carers Support Merton, has already received £115,000.

It provides support to young carers and is one of 415 newly awarded projects, working to change the lives of disadvantaged children and young people across the UK.