Today’s Christian Devotion 07-04-2024

By The Nigerian Voice

Father, thank you that I can enter into your presence with a heart full of thanksgiving. Thank you for providing for all my needs and doing exceedingly abundantly above all I could ever ask or imagine. Lord, I give you a sacrifice of praise for you are good and your mercy endures forever, in the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

Father, help me to begin the new week in preparation through contemplation and connection with you. As I meditate on your word and spend time in prayer today, I ask that you fill me with wisdom. Help me to follow your precepts and seek your guidance so that I may obtain good understanding of your ways, in Jesus mighty name, amen and amen. *Brethren, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together*.

Good morning, and have a great new week.