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August 11: Are You Committed?

I am committed to fulfilling what God gave me birth to do. I resolved years ago that I would look only to God’s Word and the purpose He put in my heart to know what I could accomplish. In this way, God’s purpose and principles have determined what I’m going to be and do rather than my own fears or opinions of others.

The Bible says, “Now it came to pass when the time had come for Jesus to be revived up, that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem” (Luke 9:51). Jesus set His face steadfastly, or like flint (Isaiah 50:7) in His determination to fulfill His purpose. Flint is one of the hardest rocks you can find. Commitment gives birth to determination.

This analogy means that after Jesus had set His goal to go to the cross, it was too late to talk Him out of it. Sometimes we know what we should be doing, but we’re hesitant to take that first step. We intend to do it, but we never do. We make excuses, such as “When my life gets less complicated,” “When I feel more confident,” or “After I pray about it more.”

There is a story of two fishermen who were lost in a storm on a lake. The storm was blowing so fiercely that they couldn’t see a thing. One of the fishermen said to his friend, “We have two choices. We can pray or row.” The other answered, “Let’s do both!” That’s the way you need to live. Instead of deliberating about what you need to do, just say, “Let’s row.” Set a destination even while you’re praying, and God will guide you where you need to go. Note: Are you committed to the way of God for your life? Are you committed to your vision? Without commitment your new birth and faith are vanities. You’re still an unbeliever. Think about it.

Let’s pray: Father, I am committed to Your purposes and Your Word. Please help me keep the purpose and the direction You’ve given me always before me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Today’s reading: Psalm 81-83; Romans 11: 19-36

May God Help Us be Committed.

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