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Everyone is born with strengths and weaknesses. That is what makes us human. Even corporate organisations, because they are made up of individuals, have strengths and weaknesses. As a result, the SWOT (stregth, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) system was developed to make the most of corporate advantages and minimise corporate loopholes. There is none that does not make mistakes. Therefore, everyone must thoroughly examine his/her SWOT.

-Your strengths are those things you are exceedingly good at. It could be a learned skill like sports or a talent like singing or drawing. A strength would never give you an advantage or edge over your peers if you do not develop it. For instance, you could have a talent for singing. If you don't get the right teachers, the right training for voice, you would be no better than the average chorister. There would be nothing to make you stand out. It is the time you spent developing your talent that puts you in a class of your own.

How to protect your strength
-Never assume everyone is interested in your success; there are many who are not. Be careful whose criticism you accept. Some are generously given with the aid of discouraging you; others with the aim of bringing out the best in you. You have to be discerning to determine which advice to keep and which one to reject.

Your weaknesses are those aspects of your personality or character that you wish you didn't have but they seem to get the better of you every time. It could be your inability to assimilate new information fast, your inability to retain old ones, an inability to keep secrets, control your temper and emotions, etc. Every individual has a weakness. These are the setback attitudes in one's life

How to eliminate your weakenesses
Though it is true that everyone has a weakness, nobody respects a man who is controlled by his weakness. It is expected that every mature adult should try and gain some control over his weaknesses. Any person governed by his weakness is headed for disaster.

-Identify your weaknesses
-Make a conscious effort not to give in to them whenever you are tempted.

-Be patient and give yourself time to grow because there will be moments of failure

-Be careful to keep away from friends who encourage your weaknesses.

Opportunities are favourable circumstances for executing a purpose. It is a suitable combination of conditions or advantageous combination of circumstances. Lots of people cry for want of opportunities. They had no parents, that was why they didn't go to school. They failed exams because there was no money for extra mural classes. It goes on and on. Opportunities come in various forms and when you least expect them. You must be courageous and ready to take advantage of it when it shows up.

How to make the most of opportunities
-Jot down ideas immediately they come to mind.
-When there is avenue to bring your ideas to life, seize the moment. Be courageous.

Challenges are those obstacles on your way to success. They could be man made or natural. Sometimes challenges are self-induced. When we are scared to make that leap to greatness, our fears become a challenge.

How to conquer your challenges
-The best way out of any challenge is to attempt to conquer it. Don't just give in.

-Never listen to those inner voices that only focus on the problem. Make yourself focus on the solution.

Ige, Oluwaseye,

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