Home › Feature Article       December 9, 2014


Prophecy is one of the ways the Sovereign Lord God Almighty controls the world. He is the One making history, the rest of us are mere dramatis personae in the play of life. As surely as the Lord God Almighty lives and His Glory fills both the heavens and the earth, He is the One who is totally in control and absolutely in charge, Hallelujah! Satan and his demons, including their human factotums may steal predictions and prophecies as fallen angels but the future belongs to the Lord God Almighty. He is the Only One who can tell us the future in inexactitude terms. As the Sovereign Lord God Himself disclosed in Isaiah 46: 9-10: “Remember the former things long past, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me, I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.' Prophecy is the tool God uses to tell us what is yet to come. Satan and his demons may mimic God, but they can't tell us what is yet to come. Only the Almighty God does. As the British apologetics, C.S. Lewis once said, Satan cannot go beyond the end of his chains until the allotted time is completed for him, his rebellious demons and those human beings who have decided to cast their lots with the Evil ones finally go to where they eternally belong; hell fire. Prophecy is an eschatological part of the Gospel.

As events unfold in our generation at dizzying speed and global happenings wind up at astonishing rate pointing to the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, prophecy is the means by which our Lord and Savior keeps up abreast of the end times. I sincerely believe the Advent is fast approaching and if we born-again Christians know how fast approaching our Lord and Savior is coming back in God's Eternal Calendar, we will be surprised. As He warned in Matthew 24: 42: "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.” He repeated same in Mark 13: 32-33: “But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come.” While we do not know the exact day and hour our Lord Jesus Christ will return to put a stop to all the mess in the world today; nevertheless, He gave us a head's up on the concatenation of events that would herald His Second Coming. Again, our generation may not be far from seeing the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

In tandem with His promise in Amos 3: 7: “Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets,” the Sovereign Lord reveals His future plans on earth once in a while to His people-us-and we are commanded to reveal some to the people of the world. At times, we are forbidden to reveal all but instead conceal some of these end times events and occurrences. In December 2013, the Lord revealed certain world events to us and we revealed them as commanded. Another 365 days are about to end and another year is approaching, and it is apposite to examine the fulfillment of some of the world events. This is the meaning of prophecy. For example, we prophesied on Monday December 30, 2013 thus: “… Many Christians will rise and shine this year; while the fainthearted will fall. The Lord God says His Second Coming is approaching and beginning from this year 2014; He will begin to show His imminent return with signs and wonders hitherto unseen in the world until now..” Only someone from Mars will dispute this but wait till we enter 2015! Another part of the prophecy “Globally, the Holy Spirit says economic hardships will continue as He told us on the eve of His physical departure. Only those who faithfully seek His face and rely on Him for sustenance will survive the economic turmoil that will engulf the entire world. He said this is how those who belong to Him will know He's coming quickly and will not tarry longer (Revelation 3: 11).” Again, the world economy is now in tailspin. I pity those who live in the Third World as 2015 will define the survival of many souls. Hard times have just begun. Wait for our 2015 Predictions and Prophecies in two weeks' time. Also in 2013, at the threshold of the outgoing year 2014, we predicted through the Holy Spirit thus: “The Holy Spirit says the days of long-reigning African dictators are over as two of them will pass away this year. There will be two coup attempts in two African nations this year; one in a tiny West African nation whose leader himself seized power and legitimized himself through democratic process...” Did you hear Mr. Blasé Compaore of Burkina Faso was removed from office in October 2014? Were you here when Prime Minister Thomas Thabane of Lesotho in Southern Africa ran away from the tiny nation to South Africa in a coup attempt in August 2014? Here is another one in the first part of our predictions and prophecies for the outgoing 2014: “More incidents and cases of Islamic insurgence and terrorist activities will spread in Africa, especially from Northern Africa, the Maghreb to other parts of the continent. Strange things and events yet unheard of, especially in weather and climatic conditions, among humans and animals will occur in many parts of Africa this year. There will more bombings and guerrilla activities and many youth will take to crime and criminal activities as populations increase and the riches of Africa are monopolized by few elites at the detriment of the poor masses…” Ever before Mr. Putin was kicked out of the G8, the Lord showed us. We also saw the crises in Ukraine and China's high-handed policy in Hong Kong. Read this: “President Vladimir Putin of Russia and China will surreptitiously begin to plot behind the scenes in 2014 to introduce a new world currency as a counterpoise against the United States Dollars, which will cause tension in the G 8.” Only few around the world know that Vladimir Putin has authorized Russia's Central Bank dumping of the American Dollar; about $2billion this year as a result of the current economic sanctions imposed on Russia. More news on this in 2015 in our up-coming prophecies and predictions for 2015. Before you say ISIL, the Holy Spirit showed us: “There will continue to be wars, instability and general state of anarchy in the Arab world and Israel will increasingly be the butts of hatred and animosity from her Arab neighbors in fulfillment of Bible prophecy. A new group of Islamic terrorist organization will spring up this year and announce the firing of Ayman al-Zawahiri. The factional in-fighting will lead to power struggle and more of Al-Qaeda leaders will be eliminated by the United States…” Do you Coalition Forces? We saw the cowardly and unconscionable slaughter of 40 college students by drug lords in nearby Mexico before the dastardly act took place thus: “Activities of drug lords, targeted assassinations, disappearances, insecurity and general lawlessness will accentuate in Mexico in 2014 forcing the United States to be heavily involved in the escalating war against illicit drugs and drug lords.” Before popular Jamaican musician, Mr. John Holt died; we saw it and told the world thus: “A popular Jamaican artiste, actress/musician will pass away this year-2014.” In Iquique, Chile, the most devastating earthquake occurred in April 2014 with combined magnitudes of 8.2 and 7.7 on April 1 and 2, 2014 respectively with more than 1,000 fatalities as we predicted thus: “Another deadly earthquake will occur in a Latin American nation in 2014 comparable to the deadly earthquake that occurred in Haiti in 2010.” If you have been following world news, you will know when we also predicted that: “Argentina and Brazil will continue to see influx of foreigners…” To crosscheck and find out if our predictions stack up as revealed to us by the Holy Spirit, visit the link below to the first part of the full prophecies and predictions titled: PROPHECIES AND PREDICTIONS FOR THE YEAR 2014 (1) http://nigeriaworld.com/feature/publication/fayemiwo/123013.htm

People of the world should understand by now that as 2 Peter 1: 21 says: “For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” That is why we say as Amos 3:7 aptly notices: “Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” One of the ways He reveals events to us is through prophecy, because without prophetic vision and how tomorrow will turn out, the people will perish according to Proverbs 29: 18. Next week, we will conclude with the second part of 2014 Predilections and Prophecies which were released in 2013. The prophecies and predictions for 2015 will be released in the last two weeks of this year as the year 2014 rounds up.

Dear Dr. Fayemiwo, I thank you for offering your numerous readers worldwide this wonderful opportunity to ask some questions concerning faith and the Church of Jesus Christ our Lord and savior who died to give us abundant life. Below are my questions;

1. Dr. Fayemiwo, I have been following your biblical teachings for over two years now and the teachings are bible based and spiritually rooted. Recently, I attended a church service where a pastor told his congregation that he had completed forty days fasting and prayers. He went further and told his members that he had a revelation from God that they (member adults) should pay 30Euro and children 5Euro for thanksgiving. I was surprised to know that text messages were sent out to members to comply. Where does this type of revelation has its root or reference in the bible?

2.Jesus made us to understand that there shall be false prophets. These statements can be found in the following bible references;1 John 4:1-6,2 peter 2:1,Matthew 7:15,Matthew 24:24,Mark 7:6-9,Rev.10:10,Deu.18:20,1Cor.14:33,Jer.23:26 etc. A minister of God in a particular church was usually telling his members that they will die and later informed them that God has intervened through his prayers but that they need to do one thing which is paying some (specified) amount of money as thanksgiving to God for removing the spirit of death from their lives. Is this also scriptural?

3. Churches are being founded on daily basis especially in Nigeria and majority claimed that they are called by God. But what most of these so called men of God are doing in these buildings called churches cannot be simply explained. Nigerians are simply religious people but not living and acting the word of God. What do you have to say about such situations?

I conclude by saying that the word of God is truth and life and it cannot be subtracted neither added. It is holy, pure and unblemished. I look forward to the biblical interpretations and answers to the above three questions. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ guide you and be upon you amen. Thanks---Mr. Davidson Germany

Dear Mr. Davison, that pastor wants to scam you guys. He wants to use your money to buy turkey and cloths so don't fall for his tricks. He didn't say God told him to collect the money from you so you are on your own. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said it all in Matthew 10: 8: “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.” The answer to your second question is found in answer to your first question above. Look for another church to attend and avoid scammers. Yes, there is nothing wrong and bad about churches springing up everywhere in Nigeria and indeed all over the world. This was the command of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Matthew 28: 19: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost…” (NK0. But He also warned us in Mark 13: 22: “For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” This is part of end-time prophecy so the only way you can inoculate yourself against false doctrines and false prophets like those preying on your spiritual ignorance to give him money and all stuff is for you yourself to be led by the Holy Spirit, period!


Dear Pastor Fayemiwo, First of all, I like to say a big THANK YOU for all the explanations of bible you always give us, we are indeed indebted to you. May God Almighty continue to use you; the anointing upon you will not run dry. Amen. Sir, it will be of great honor if you educate us or the way you will have preached it. Below is how a fellow brother preached it. We want you to help us validate it if it's actually right. Note in Matthew 17:21: “…However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” The above Bible verse is one of the most misconstrued verses in today's teaching. It's being read as "Jesus was saying only prayer and fasting can cast out certain demons". Whereas Jesus had answered the disciples' questions by saying "because of their unbelief" they were unable to cast out the demon. If the name of Jesus and faith cannot drive out certain demons, prayer and fasting won't do the job either! Jesus was saying that fasting and prayer are the only ways of casting out this type of unbelief. An unbelief that comes as a result of ignorance can be done away with by receiving the truth of God's Word (Romans 10:17 and 2 Peter 1:4). However, the unbelief that hindered the disciples in this case was a "natural" type of unbelief (see note 2 at Mt 17:20).

They had been taught all of their lives to believe what their five senses told them. They were simply dominated by this natural input more than by God's supernatural input (God's Word - Lu 9:1). Fasting and prayers doesn't change God, it changes you so, the only way to overcome this unbelief that comes through the senses is to deny the senses through prayer and fasting (see note 1 at Mt 4:2). God bless you. ---O. Aboaba, Nigeria, West Africa

Dear Brother Aboaba, there are half and full truths in the above scenario as revealed in the light of God's Word. First the half-truth: The person who said or taught this got it right to the point where he/she said or wrote: "Fasting and prayer doesn't change God..." It depends on what the person meant by "change God." Prayers and fasting do connect us with and to God if we are asking for certain things and that was the reason our Lord Jesus Christ admonished us in Luke 1: 18: "Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up." Similarly, in 1 Thessalonians 5: 17, Apostle Paul enjoined Christians thus: "Pray without ceasing." Prayers and fasting can and do change our situations and circumstances. The Lord God Almighty changes our situations and circumstances and answers our prayer request when we show and demonstrate our seriousness by praying and fasting. "Change" here means -"God does not change"-Malachi 3:16 in His character if that is what the person meant the person was right but God can and does change our circumstances and situations when we pray and fast to Him.


Hello, Dr Moshood Fayemiwo, Could you please email me the copies of your two open letters to Mr. T.B. Joshua of the Synagogue Church and the forthcoming last one for my records. My address is…. and the one on this email are valid. Thank you for your contribution. Regards---John O., Nigeria, West Africa (last name and address, including contact email undisclosed at writer's request)

Dear Mr Joh O. They are all obtainable at my column website at www.nigeriaworld.net. Just go to search button on the top right hand corner of the website and type my name Moshood Fayemiwo. The articles on Mr. T.B. Joshua of the Synagogue and other previous articles including my prophecies and predictions for the year 2014 are all available. Thank you and God blessed in Jesus Might Name, Amen.


Dear Dr Fayemiwo, Unlimited grace to you Pastor. I am indeed grateful! Thank you so very much for praying along with me. Your godly counsel, ministration and exposition of the word......wow. Greater grace upon your life in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. I continue to covet your prayers and Godly counsel. Your sister- in- Christ. ---T.U, New York, USA.

Praise the Lord; it shall be well in His Holy Name. He is planning greater things for you and us and you will be blown away when He releases His anointing. Thanks in His Holy Name, Amen.


Thanks for your messages. May God bless you in Jesus name, Amen---Mr. Julius Adeleke, Nigeria, West Africa.

Thank you my brother-in-Christ; it shall be well with you in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


Dear Pastor Fayemiwo, I thank God for your life and His calling upon you. It did not surprise me to read all the exposure you gave about Joshua and his synagogue which was overdue. Growing up as a child I understood to some extent the workings of the Lord without being born again but committed to the things of God; and with this level of commitment and obedience, dismissed Joshua and his ministry earlier on in in1996. This happened one after while watching the television his programme came up, he was looking unkempt and performing his so called miracle with people vomiting on live television, and as that was not enough, a woman came out of the congregation and told him that she does not sleep at night, there and then Joshua said "you are going to sleep and laid his hands on her head as she started to sleep. I stood up and told my friends that this man is not of God. I told them that if he was of God, he would have prayed and laid hands on her, then she would go home and sleep at night and then come back to give her testimony. From that time till now, I have always dismissed him as satanic. But thank God you have come to the open to expose him and his master. We will continue to pray for you because you know that his kingdom will stop at nothing to destroy you. God bless you. Yours sincerely---C. D. O. Nigeria, West Africa.

Thanks for your letter my brother-in-the-Lord. I am covered by His Blood and this is what our Lord Jesus Christ the One who called me told me in Isaiah 41: 10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Consequently, “I-the Lord Jesus Christ- have given you-Moshood Fayemiwo- authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” Hallelujah!


Next Week: Last year 2013, the Lord God Almighty used yours sincerely to make certain predictions and prophecies of people and events in the outgoing 2014. The predictions and prophecies were released in two parts. Beginning from this week, we shall take a look at those predictions and prophecies to see their fulfillments. By the way, we still have few days remaining in the year 2014 and some of our prophecies and predictions will still come to pass but meanwhile, we should look at those that have been fulfilled this week and we shall conclude next week.

PS: There are many questions and puzzling issues agitating our minds as we read the Holy Bible as redeemed children of the Lord God Almighty. Although we go to church and participate in church activities, read the Bible personally and in concert with others, participate in the usual and mandatory Bible Study sessions as part of our spiritual activities but some of these probing issues remain largely unanswered. In my one-on-one with my Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God and my communion with the Holy Spirit, I call such perplexing questions: Conversations with the Lord God Almighty. I know you too have some of these unexplained puzzles and issues too. For examples, why did God allow pain and sufferings in the world? Why are the evil people progressing and those who want to do well are being persecuted? Why are some materially rich and many are poor? Send me your questions, email them to me and let's talk. We thank those that have sent in questions and we will continue to answer them as the Holy Spirit teaches us. Once again, please keep the questions coming so that others in the kingdom can benefit. Remember when we pray to the Lord, we say “ Our Father who is in heaven' and not “My Father who is in heaven.” He is our Heavenly Father and He wants to teach us and not me. Share your thoughts and ideas with other believers and build up His kingdom.


*Dr. Fayemiwo is quondam professor of Biblical Exegesis at Kingdom Bible College and Seminary, Tucson, AZ and CEO, Alternative Lifeclass Communication, DBA Chicago. He is the co-author of the book: “The Kingdom of Satan Exposed” and also member, board of directors/ director of administration, The Millennium Stem Academy Charter School of Chicago, Illinois. Visit his company's website at www.allternativecommunication.net. Please all private email for urgent attention should be sent to this email address: allternativelifeclass@gmail.com

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