Home › Feature Article       February 12, 2013

Listen to the Voice of the Holy Spirit: “Repeat and Explain Better As I Taught You!

I was planning to continue with the article on how the Lord God meted out punishment to Satan, Adam and Eve after their fall in the Garden of Eden when the Holy Spirit told me on Tuesday morning February 5, 2013 that I should explain better last week's article on Satan's temptation. “Repeat and explain better as I taught you and the pictures I showed you.” “What did I leave out, Oh God?” I asked. Here are the missing parts of the fall of Adam and Eve during the temptation in the Garden of Eden as the Lord God instructed me to explain fully in this week's article before proceeding further. There were three generic trees in the Garden: the Tree of Life, the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil and the Other Trees. If Adam and Eve passed the First Test, they would have earned the right to eat from the Tree of Life, which would have made them, and by extension, you and I live forever on earth (Genesis 3: 22). If they failed the First Test, which they did, they would descend into the earth with their souls in the Nether Land (Sheol) and be kept in chains (Isaiah 38: 18; Jonah 2:2). The Other Trees were the Trees they were already eating and would continue to eat if they had passed the First Test. God Almighty did not give the instructions to Adam and Eve but only to Adam. Why did God Almighty do this, because He was establishing a chain of authority as He and the Two God Heads operate: One and Equal yet distinct and bonded together by Eternal Love. Since Man was created in His likeness and image, that chain of command still exists today. God Almighty>God the Son and >God the Holy Spirit=GOD. It is a mystery He Alone can explain but when you look at yourself as His likeness and image, you can understand the mystery. For example, anyone reading this piece now is being communicated to and impacted by me, but many of my readers may not have and may never see me face-to-face but I am communicating to and with them. Which part of me is actually communicating to you in this article? My spirit of course! Suppose a reader picks the phone and calls me up and we begin to chat on the phone? The caller hears my voice and we talk at length; which part of me am I using for such communication? My soul of course, because that is where my mouth and faculties are located, and I am still the same person who you read his article here in this column; and finally, if you see me one-on-one! This Triune personality of God that is replicated in us created in His image and likeness can also be literally explained this way; if you keep an account in your bank, there are three distinct ways you can operate the account; write a check and your signature is authenticated and you collect money; you can call up the bank manager and if your voice is recognized or you're familiar with the bank manager, you can transact business as if you're there in person. The third and final way you can also transact business is to show up in person. These three distinct ways of human beings were impacted unto us by our Creator –the Lord God Almighty. If three unique attributes of God Almighty are; omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient; then it stands to reason that God Almighty has distinct Triune Personalities and can be God of Love and be One. I have explained this here before and reiterating it for emphasis so that those who deny the Trinity can take a look at themselves and know that they too are Triune in One as human beings created in God's Image and Likeness. In other words, every human being is comprised of Tripartite Union: Spirit (not Holy Spirit please); Soul and Body (Genesis 2: 7). “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground (body); and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (spirit), and man became a living being (soul).”

These are the three ways through which each and every one of us is created in God's image and likeness. We human beings are the only creatures of God Almighty that is unique and distinct this way, angels aren't. God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are One; you can't know the Father without the Son and there is no way you can have communion with the True Lord God without going through Jesus Christ, the Son and through Him you can fellowship with the Holy Spirit. This is God's chain of Authority and He operates the same till today, because He is God, He doesn't change. We have plenty to say about this in subsequent discourses.

Back to God's institution of chain of authority; God expected Adam to communicate with Eve so that the Eternal Chain of Authority between the Triune God Head will be replicated in Man thus: God > Adam > Eve. That is perfect harmony. Does that mean Eve is under the authority of Adam? Far be from it; they complement each other just as God, the Father > God the Son > God the Holy Spirit =God. For feminists and those that are spiritually blind, this chain of authority has got nothing to do with self and egotistical self-consciousness; everything God does is with Love in it. It is only in the kingdom of darkness that self and egos are primary motives, but in God's kingdom, everything is done without selfishness. God Almighty is God of Order and Legality and what sustains Him in His Heavenly Throne is this Power of maintaining Eternal Order and Authority. No matter the religion devices by human beings to know and worship God after the fall of Adam and Eve, no one or group of human beings can understand Who the True God is by rituals and sets of man-made initiations unless He chooses to reveal Himself to us, period. Religion is human being's attempt to understand and grasp an Awesome God Almighty based on the terms of human beings and our limited ideas about Who He is; but Christianity is the True God Almighty revealing Himself to us through Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That may be distasteful and unnerving to religious people but that is the Truth. If you haven't been to the United States all your life, for example, and all you know about the US is from book reading and movies, it will take someone living here to come to you and tell you how the United States really is, period. So also knowing God, it would take someone who is in heaven to come down to us here and tell us how heaven really is. It will be stupid for any human being to rely on a fellow human being to tell us how heaven looks like. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out, right?

A God defined by limited human beings is not a god to be worshipped. No human mind can conceptualize the Almighty God, the Awesome Creator of the heavens and the earth and the only part of Him He chooses to reveal to us is what we can comprehend, period! So why are some human beings following a fellow human being to tell them about God and heaven, a mortal like us who is dead and buried, instead of putting their faith in the One who came from heaven to us and also went back and even told us He is coming back? He is Our Lord Jesus Christ. I will prefer to trust on the One born by the Virgin Mary-the first and only One to have been born that way and no one since Him-and He died and resurrected and I am waiting for Him as He promised to take me back to my eternal home. Are you waiting for Him?

WHY ADAM AND EVE FELL? Satan used three tricks, which have become his modus operandi on human beings today; and because the artifices worked on our First Parents, Satan and his demons have continued to use those tricks over the ages. These are what have traditionally become known as; the power of the flesh, the deception of the eye and the pride of life. Those three parts of Adam and Eve; spirit, soul and body were attacked by Satan and he still does the same today. All sins and disobedience of human beings against their Maker can be located under any or all of these overarching three domains of sins. These three umbrellas of sinful human beings boil down to; limited human wisdom; the cravings of the flesh and the inanity of using the human eyes to make decisions. Satan torpedoed the place of the spirit, which relies on God for decision-making and instead, the soul which should come after the spirit supplanted the latter. That is why no matter how logical, sensible and reasonable a thought, an idea, or discourse, it cannot please God Almighty if it originates from selfish self. Apostle Paul captured how antagonistic and diametrically-opposed human spirit and the Holy Spirit are this way: “13This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.F7 14The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned,” (I Corinthians 2: 13-14). No matter the development of the human soul in intelligence, wisdom, understanding, knowledge and reasoning, it is still limited to the realm of the soul. This is why the so-called philosophers, scientists, geniuses etc. of the world cannot grasp any scintilla of spiritual understanding, because they are limited to the level of the human soul. I wasn't surprised while I was in Africa in those days and I saw a highly-respected professor consulting with a voodoo man, because his wife of nearly thirty years was unable to conceive. He didn't want to leave his wife and after too many pressures, he succumbed to people's entreaties to consult spiritual agents, because in the things of the spirit realm, earthly knowledge palls in comparison.

After Satan had convinced Eve she didn't need to rely on God's wisdom, she could use her own wisdom too by telling her deceptively: “You will not die but be like God,” Satan moved to the next level. “For God knows that you will be like Him knowing good and evil,” Eve was entrapped. Was there something the serpent knew and God also knew which they both were withholding from Adam and Eve? Eve must have reasoned. God Almighty did not tell them not to touch the tree of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil but not to eat it. By adding “God says we should not touch it,” Eve egged on Satan to make his last pitch. “Your eyes will be opened,” he told the woman. Eve reasoned that how beautiful it would be for their eyes to open, whereas, their eyes were already opened spiritually and the opposite would be the case if Eve bought into Satan's lies. Have human beings changed since the Garden of Eden today? Aren't we been told in the world today there are many routes to heaven and Jesus Christ is not the only way, just as Satan told Eve in the Garden that there are many highways to Wisdom Land? God Almighty in handing out the instruction o Adam instituted Godly chain of command, which Adam didn't get in spite of the wisdom that God gave to him. As we later knew from Apostle Paul's writings, Adam was not deceived that day but Eve (I Timothy 2: 14). God Almighty expected Adam to show leadership which he shirked that day; so why did he watch Eve discuss with Satan and also accepted to eat the fruit instead of obeying God's instruction? Adam himself answered that question. “The woman you gave to be with me made me eat it and I ate.” Adam didn't blame him; or even Eve but threw it back at God. Adam thought he and Eve were equal, whereas they were meant to complement each other (Gen 2: 18); he missed the mark and loved the woman more than his Creator. Perhaps, just maybe, the histories of humankind may have been re-written altogether differently, if Adam had refused to eat the fruit when offered by Eve and instead waited on the Lord for further directives. Whatever doubts or counterfactual arguments, half lies, and jeremiads Satan was feeding them could still have been tabled before God Almighty when next He visited the Garden. When Eve ate the fruit, nothing initially happened to her body until Adam followed suit, because as Apostle Paul later explained, Adam was the one first created and so if the repercussions of their disobedience must be felt, the First Cause applied here ( I Timothy 2: 12-13). Now that paradise was lost, God Almighty had to device ways to make His plans stand, so He set a plan into motion to restore Man back to the Garden of Eden. But as God is God of Justice, Adam and Eve must be punished. That is our next discourse.

WORLD PROPHECY: This is huge! Something of global importance, an earth-shattering event and a cosmic occurrence is in the offing in the world. I don't know what it is but the Holy Bible has predicted it and we shall all see it with our very eyes soon. This event is part of end-time prophecy and it's about to take place very, very soon in the next 12 to 24 months. I don't know what it is; I repeat again, I wasn't shown what it is but again, it's HUGE. The whole world will be shocked; from the rising of the sun to the setting of the sun; from the East to the West; from the South to the North, the planet earth is about to witness a catastrophic event. The Divine Hand of God Almighty, the Creator of the heavens and the universe, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is about to intervene in the affairs of humanity. The world media, the commentariat, the scientists, the astrologers, the men and women of earthly wisdom and their ilk will be talking their heads out but will not be able to explain but those who know the True God will be unshaken and unperturbed. What is it? I wasn't shown but was only told ( Luke 21:11 & 25).

“The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has noted with serious concern the unrepentant and unremorseful conduct of the former Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai in respect of the inflammatory and utterly disgraceful comment he made about the Christian faith and the person of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In spite of our warning that he should stop such comments that carry chains of implications, El-Rufai has gone ahead to post another response which is insulting to the Christian faith. Last Thursday, a day after our reaction to his damningly insulting comment, he re-tweeted as follows: “To those who see clearly, whose minds are not clouded by sheer religiosity, there is nothing insulting about the tweet”. With this re-tweet, CAN believes that El-Rufai is set on a war path with the millions of Christians in Nigeria. We must state that unlike others, Christians do not shed blood, take life, kill or maim others at the slightest provocation. Nevertheless, we must warn El-Rufai not to take Christians for granted and to inform him that it is with great difficulty that we have had to restrain our youths from taking the law into their hands; which by extension means bringing El-Rufai to justice on account of his incitement and insult against the Christian faith. We may not be able to guarantee this restraint the next time he makes any other explosive statement that impugns on the Person of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is, again, warned to desist from playing this dangerous and deadly game of Russian roulette. A word, they say, is enough for the wise.” Signed

General Secretary (CAN)
Rev. Dr. Musa Asake
Did the words reproduce above truthfully emanated from the office of the secretary-general of the Christian Association of Nigeria? Which Jesus Christ was being referred to here: the Lord and Savior, who shed His blood for the world and demonstrated His love by dying on the Cross for Malam Nasir El-Rufai and the whole world or the Lord Jesus Christ now being portrayed and molded to the convoluted mind of CAN? Any god that worshippers have to defend and fight for is not worthy of true worship. Who mandated the CAN to fight on behalf of Our Lord Jesus Christ? If Malam El-Rufai continues with his tweets, will the CAN kill him for allegedly insulting their own made Jesus Christ? This is not the Jesus Christ I serve. The secretary of CAN who issued this stupid press release really needs deliverance. Did Our Lord Jesus Christ tell CAN and its scribe to fight and defend His honor? Didn't the Pharisees call Our Lord and Savior a demon-possessed man? What the CAN should do is pray for Malam El-Rufai instead of behaving like the neo-Taliban of Nigeria and the newly-minted Boko Haramists on the block. Is the whole world really going mad, starting from the CAN? This is sheer madness! Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, Lord of lords is more than able to defend Himself; He doesn't need the likes of Asake and CAN to fight on his behalf. The leadership of CAN should condemn this Press Release and call Asake to order immediately. Our Gospel is gospel of peace born out of Love. The CAN has even gone to the ludicrous level of “reporting” Malam El-Rufait to the Sultan. Again, another sheer madness! It is not the duty of CAN, Asake or whoever to defend the Honor and Integrity of Our Lord and Savior. What do the CAN think Our Lord Jesus Christ is: a wimpy and hateful god like their god who need to be placated and feared rather than being revered? Mr. Asake and his ilk should read their Bible very well and stop the current charade. Malam El-Rufai and any other anti-Jesus Christ can scandalize the Name of the King of Kings just like many do here in America every day, Jesus Christ still loves them. He hasn't given up on them as long as they alive to see the follies of their spiritual blindness and have a change of heart. Ours is to spread the Good News and continue to pray that these anti-Christ's will come to their senses one day, repent and give their lives to the Only Savior. We do not issue fatwa in Christendom and the CAN should stop dragging the Holy Name of Our Lord and Savior in the mud.

Many thanks Uncle Moshood. For those of us who may not know who Dr. Fayemiwo is, he is a journalist and activist per excellence who spent ages tormenting IBB at the peak of his powers. He is also a true revolutionary, having endured a sustained persecution by the Nigerian authorities for being part of a planned attempt to introduce revolutionaries into Nigeria from a training camp in neighboring Benin Republic. I have written all this just so we know that he is a genuine voice of authority .Best regards- Charles Oyedeji, London, UK

Thanks Charles, but the best revolution now is the Jesus Revolution that I want to enlist you too and you will be a part of in the Mighty Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Only Savior. Be careful of the winter in London.

Thank you man of God, you are always a blessing through your insightful articles. Reman blessed and may God continue to give you more insight and wisdom into His Word. ---Brother Arthur, Nigeria.

Amen and thank you for the encouragement, Brother Arthur.

*Dr Fayemiwo is author, publisher and CEO, Alternative Lifeclass Communication, DBA and an adjunct lecturer in African History & Media Studies at the City Colleges of Chicago in Illinois, USA.

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