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Today's Christian Devotion 29 - 11 -2019

Ps 34: 18 : Says: The Lord is near to those who are discouraged and saves those who have lost hope.

Beloved, as you wrap up this month, our Heavenly Father will come to your aid in the areas you seem to be loosing hope, to restore your hope. No work of satan shall prosper in your life from this moment, in the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

God will provide for you and your family, the way he provided in Goshen for the Children of Israel. He will give you and your loved ones, a place of refuge and flourishing. His presence and hands shall be upon and uphold you and your loved ones, in the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

Your journey shall end in praise and you will be celebrated in the end, in Jesus mighty name, amen. Live today, every day, in fear and honour of God. Heaven is real.

Good morning and have a wonderful day.

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