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Spooky Night

I was walking with Jeremy, my brother one dark and stormy night. We thought it was just the two of us but I felt we weren't alone...as I could feel a spirit breathing on the back of my neck. Beads began to form on my forehead, as we continued onward with our journey.

The night wind howled, beckoning us to enter into another dimension, but I reasoned it was only the wind playing tricks with my mind. Funny how that can happen, but I suppose it does to everyone now and then.

Jeremy saw a strange house and pointed at it, "Look, over there, let's go inside and see what mischief we can stir up!" he said. I knew he was only teasing as he was secretly afraid of storms and only wanted to find a place to hang out until it passed. I was more then happy to enter the place...that is to say, if it was abandoned. We kept on strolling along the country road together until we had reached our destination. Soon, we were at the front mahogany door and my brother played with the brass doorknocker. "Looks ancient," he said, " Let's go inside. There's no since in us standing outside with this cool chill in the air." He clutched his blazer tighter, and continured, "I'm so cold Melanie."

Glancing at my watch, I noticed that it was the bewitching hour, midnight. It was rather chilly and a damp feeling was in the air...I'll say that much for certain. Sure enough the house was abandoned, but I wasn't about to go inside, without my flashlight. Lucky for me, I had been carrying one all along on our little trip together, in my leather purse. I unzipped it and rummaged through the contents in my purse until I found the light. What a blessing it was to have it handy. I shined it on the door knob and turned it. I practically had to kick in the door, to get it open...but we finally got in and smelled a musty odor.

"Whew! What's that smell?" asked my little brother, ever the curious cat.

"It's just an old house, old homes are this way." I replied.

"Oh," he said trembling from the coldness in the air. I had my trusty flashlight on and we seen antique furniture. It surrounded the place. The house seemed to welcome us to enter its' living quarters. We found two old chairs and sat quietly and peacefully, but the silence was soon broken and we felt a shake and a horrendous odd sound. Pictures from the walls began to fall off one by one. Voices we could hear in the night's wind. Shadows danced on the walls, as if mocking us and toying with our minds. We shook with fear and terror was gleaming from both our eyes! We got up and ran out the door, as fast as our feet would take us. We headed homeward and arrived safely. I can honestly say one thing readers..we dare to never go back to that spooky haunted place ever again!

the end...this has been a fictional story.

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