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Ten Steps to Better Self-Esteem


1. Surround yourself with a faith-a positive faith that is characterized by a deep and pervasive appreciation of who you are.

2. Become a chooser and a decider. That is crucial to your being a full-fledged person.

3. Surround yourself with people who literally immerse you in the positive dynamic of how you matter.

4. Take very good care of yourself physically.
5. Take very good care of yourself emotionally.
6. Decide to literally mobilize your will to focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses.

7. Purposely stay away from the negative parts of life.

8. Develop a method of congratulating yourself for every positive thing you do.

9. Struggle with the great questions of life until you gain an inner peace with them.

10. Treat yourself like a child now and then-just play till your heart's content.

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