Dr. Martin Luther King’s Day Coincides with President Trump's Inauguration:
The American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA) joins the nation and peace-loving people across the globe in recognizing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (January 20, 2025). This year’s MLK Day coincides with Donald Trump's inauguration as the 47th President of the United States of America.
MLK’s Day and the Inauguration remind us of how much progress the US has made in delivering on its promise of equality and justice for all. It is a long journey ahead and immense challenges are yet to be addressed. President Donald Trump said he believed in and supported King’s vision for America. We hope that this belief is reflected in the policies of his new administration.
Detroit African American pastor Lorenzo Sewell delivered the benediction after the swearing-in.
The struggle for equality and social justice is one for all. Dr. King's dream is not just an American dream, it is a universal dream of civil rights and human rights for all. King's legacy still inspires around the world, especially in Palestine. The occupied Palestinians have been denied the most basic of human and civil rights for too long. We urge Mr. Trump to honor the legacy of Dr. King with a foreign policy that promotes American interests as well as human and civil rights in Palestine and in the rest of the world.
We hope that President Trump, who in his inauguration speech invoked Dr. Martin Luther King, will deliver on his promises of ending wars and ushering in peace. One of President Trump’s electoral promises was to end wars and work for peace. We welcome his vital efforts inducing a ceasefire in Lebanon and a ceasefire in Gaza and hopefully in Ukraine next.
AHRC congratulates Mr. Trump on his victory and urges him to pursue policies, in the US and abroad, guided by King’s legacy, of respect for civil rights and human rights for all.
“The spirit of Dr. King’s dream serves as a reminder of our true American values, of diversity, equality, and inclusion” said Imad Hamad, AHRC Executive Director. “We hope that President Trump will bring peace to the world,” continued Hamad. “The US is the world’s leading power and the lack of will has been the problem, not capacity,” concluded Hamad.