Goodseed Daily Devotional 16th January 2025

Topic: The Golden rule of life
Scripture: “And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.”
Luke 6:31 KJV
I have always reflected on the above scripture when dealing with anyone or situations. Live the GOLDEN RULE-
Do to others as you would like others to do to you. Say to others what you want others to say to you. If others treat you the way you treat them, what will be your reaction? If people back bite you the way you do to others, will you feel good? I am not sure, so stop misrepresenting others from today.
At times we say or do things at the spur of the moment and they leave lasting scar on those around us. But our Saviour, Jesus has shown us the way to live with others. To reflect over the impact of our actions on those at the receiving end before we act. As a parent, think about your words and actions through before you take the step as they can affect the future of your children. Husbands and wives, aspire to take steps that will build each other up rather than do things because it sits well with you. Pastors and congregation, treat each other right. Let's not hurt one another by our words and actions. Jesus did not.
If we all are careful and care deeply about our neighbours before we speak, act or react we will have a sweet inhabitable world. What goes round comes round! Do to others what you can expect others to do to you. It is ironical that it is the very people you are careful not to hurt that deliberately hurt you! It shouldn't be so. Let us be our brothers and sisters keepers!
Oh Lord, I make a covenant with my tongue today to speak words that build up and inspire others. Help me Holy Spirit to chose my words carefully at all times in Jesus name.
Goodseed Daily Devotional is the publication of Apostle George Amadi- Senior Pastor Goodnews Bible Church London. If you are in the London area do worship with us at Alperton Community School Ealing Road, Wembley Middlesex HA0 4PW.
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