Toyin Falola At 72: The Scholar Without Limits
As Toyin Falola turns 72 on January 1, 2025, we celebrate this towering figure and prolific academic in African scholarship. It is not merely his academic contributions that define him; it is his boundless energy and selfless support of others that set him apart. He has transcended individuality to become an institution. It is not enough to study his works and thoughts on various subjects he has written on. It is important to also study his lifestyle. How does he manage to be so productive? How does he manage to defy the constraints of time, producing an astonishing volume of work while maintaining an active presence on the global lecture circuit? What secrets lie behind his incredible productivity, as he responds to every email and engages with various requests from numerous people?
In 2019, Lead City University, Ibadan, hosted a public conference where scholars engaged in a thought-provoking discussion about Toyin Falola's latest publication, "In Praise of Greatness: The Poetics of African Adulation." During the event, a professor posed a poignant question: Should the title of "Professor" be reserved exclusively for individuals of Toyin Falola's calibre, or can it be shared with others who bear the same academic distinction? With Toyin Falola’s productivity, the professor wondered if the title should still be used for all.
If you ask me, there exists a threshold of greatness beyond which titles become superfluous. I have heard so very many people mention the name Toyin Falola without accompanying the honorific of a “Professor.” To me, he has outgrown the need for titular validation. The title of professor, once a badge of distinction, now seems insufficient to capture the full magnitude of his stature, influence, and achievements, which all speak louder than the title.
During my latest check, in 2024, Toyin Falola produced works including Understanding Colonial Nigeria: British Rule and Its Impact, Transformations in History: African Societies and Economies in the Works of Paul Lovejoy, Decolonising African History, Writing the History of the African Diaspora, Global Yorùbá: Regional and Diasporic Networks, Daily Life in Colonial Africa, Milestones in African Literature, and Chinua Achebe: Narrating Africa in Fictions and History. This impressive list is definitely not exhaustive.
He is never tired as he travels all over the world—today in Lagos, tomorrow in Accra, and then you hear from him in Greece. Toyin Falola is a transformative presence, much like a catalyst that sparks profound change. Whether you encounter him through a chance meeting or a deliberate pursuit, his impact is undeniable. He leaves an indelible mark on those he meets, inspiring growth, challenging perspectives, and igniting new passions. Whether he meets you or you meet him, you cannot remain the same again. Like a stone that creates ripples in a pond, Toyin Falola's influence radiates outward.
He has impacted the lives and professional paths of countless individuals throughout Africa. His selfless support has transformed the lives of many across Africa and inspired thousands more. He is a voice to be reckoned with in humanities and social sciences with hundreds of books to his credit. In an era where age-related divisions seem insurmountable, Toyin Falola bridges the gap with ease. At 72, he defies generational boundaries to connect his own era with that of the vibrant world of Gen Z. Baba's connection with the younger generation is nothing short of remarkable. His ability to transcend age-related differences reflects his genuine interest in the lives and perspectives of those born decades after him.
This is to wish Baba a happy birthday. We are grateful for your contributions to Africa and the world at large. Happy birthday to the Number One Humanities scholar in Africa, an eminent professor of history, a distinguished university teaching professor, and the Jacob and Sanger Mossiker Chair in the Humanities at the University
Matthew Alugbin, PhD writes from Ibadan.