Uganda Celebrates Martyrs Day
While millions of Christians from Uganda, Africa, and from across the globe trooped to Namungogo Shrine, in a pilgrimage, to celebrate their so-called martyrs and saints, killed by Kabaka (King) Nwanga Mukasa II, between 1885 and 1887, I trekked there, a loner, to cast a critical look at the events which would have spared Africa of a century of plunder, indoctrination, and dehumanisation.
Kabaka Nwanga II targeted these early Christians, numbering 45, and 70 Muslims because they rebelled against his supreme authority, as the God of the Buganda Kingdom.
The SCRAMBLE FOR AFRICA began in 1884 and by 1885, European imperialists started using Christianity as a tool to indoctrinate Africans and cause them to rebel against their own traditional authorities. Kabaka Nwanga II, immediately saw foreign religions as a threat to African values and authorities.
The British colonisers staged a revolution in Buganda, which overthrew Kabaka Nwanga II in 1888.
From 1964, the Universal Catholic Church declared 3rd June of every year as MARTYRS DAY.
Genuine Africans must see early Christians as enemies of Africa. These so-called Christian martyrs were traitors, enablers and collaborators with the enemies of Africa.
Africa must learn to celebrate their own patriots and heroes.
Kabaka Nwanga Mukasa II should be hailed as a visionary and patriotic African. African historians should not be shy of their heroic leaders.
At the same time early Christians were giving their lives to Christ, those who brought Christianity to The Congo, killed 10 million Africans. Millions lost their limbs and hands in a huge genocide perpetrated by a Christian King Leopold of Belgium.
Today, Archbishop Andrew Nkea, collaborates and enables the dictatorial regime of Paul Biya to perpetrate genocide in Ambazonia. He presides as Vatican governor General of the Vatican Ecclesiastical Province of Bamenda, comprising Buea, Kumbo, Bamenda, Mamfe and Kumba. He has played on the minds of many liberators to drop the guns. He has also caused his communicants to betray fighters to Cameroun soldiers. His native Lebialem is now like a cemetery.
In appreciation of his collaboration with Cameroun to massacre more than 75,000 Ambazonians, the nephew of Paul Biya, Louis Paul Motaze, Minister of Finance, paid a working and SPIRITUAL visit to Archbishop Andrew Nkea in Bamenda. Louis Paul Motaze was blessed by the SINFUL BlOOD FILLED hands of Archbishop Andrew Nkea. On the same occasion, Archbishop Andrew Nkea celebrated the financial support from Minister Louis Paul Motaze in exchange for sacramental.
Ambazonians must ask what happened to the case of the murdered and dusappeared journalist, Samuel Wazizi. Barrister NKEA Emmanuel Alembong was Defence Counsel for Samuel Wazizi. Like the elder brother, Archbishop Nkea, the lawyer has also been bought over. He has sold the case Wazizi.
For Ambazonia to be free, all such holy sinners like the NKEAs, are recommended for a Kabaka Nwanga cocktail.