Goodseed Daily Devotional 4th June 2023
SCRIPTURE: For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Romans 8:14
Our anchor Scripture makes it clear that being led by the Spirit is a mark of true sonship. And sensitivity is key to being led by the Spirit. The Holy Spirit leads a child of God on the wings of sensitivity.
However, there are many people who are insensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. And to be insensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit leads to destruction.
For example, if you want to embark on a journey, and everything is ready, but there is no peace of mind, do not force yourself to go. That is disaster.
This was what led to the tragic end of Saul’s reign as a king of Israel. When Saul waited for Samuel to perform the sacrifice and Samuel did not come on time, he forced himself to do the sacrifice (1 Samuel 13:12).
When he finished forcing himself to do the sacrifice, Samuel arrived and said, “What have you done? You failed to obey God? God has taken away the kingdom from you” (1 Samuel 13:13 paraphrased).
Beloved, anything you force yourself to do will lead you out of the will of God. Everything you do where you have no inner peace will lead you out of the plan of God. Whatever you force yourself or you put yourself under pressure to do, will lead you outside the plan and glory of God for your life. Nothing is compulsory in life except to make heaven. When you force yourself to start a relationship, you will end up in disaster. That will not be your portion in Jesus’ Name.
So, make up your mind to maintain the peace of God always as a confirmation of being led by God. Refuse to force yourself to do anything. Secure the inner peace of the Holy Spirit before embarking on anything in life.
PRAYER: Thank You Lord for opening my eyes to see Your Word today. I ask that You sharpen my spiritual perception and sensitivity, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
Goodseed Daily Devotional is the publication of Apostle George Amadi- Senior Pastor Goodnews Bible Church London. If you are in the London area do worship with us at 2nd Floor Unit 4 Westmoreland House Scrubs Lane White City NW10 6RE