AHRC Holds Another “Meet, Greet & Open Conversation” Forum Hosting the US Border Patrol (CBP):

The American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA) “Meet, Greet & Open Conversation” series in partnership with the Islamic Center of Detroit (ICD) with different governmental agencies, local, state, and federal continues with great success and support. On April 26, 2023, AHRC-ICD held a session with the US Border Patrol (CBP).
Invited guests had the opportunity to meet, greet and engage in in- depth constructive discussion and conversation with the local US Border Patrol (CBP) leadership. The US Border Patrol representatives provided an overview regarding the agency’s work protecting the US border areas with all neighboring countries and the tasks that they perform around the clock. These tasks include but are not limited to fighting, protecting, and preventing smuggling, human trafficking, drugs, and all forms of illegal and unlawful activities to sustain the integrity of the border and US sovereignty.
The invited guests engaged with the US Border Patrol representatives regarding the ongoing flow of asylum seekers and those who strive to enter the US seeking safe haven. Audience members stressed on the importance of sensitive, fair, and humanitarian treatment especially towards women, children, and the elderly. Participants acknowledged that the ongoing waves of migrants and asylum seekers toward the US and the policies, laws, and regulations that the US Border Patrol are mandated to implement as a law-enforcement agencies present a political and policy challenges. All agreed that it is the responsibility of the US Congress and the administration to make fair laws and policies that address this ongoing border crisis.
“I was honored to participate in the Meet, Greet and Conversation event hosted by the AHRC at the Islamic Center of Detroit,” said Chief Patrol Agent Robert Danley, US Border Patrol Detroit Sector. “We appreciate the opportunity to engage with members of our border communities to answer their questions and educate them about our mission,” added Chief Danley. “We thank Mr. Hamad for the invitation, and we look forward to continued collaboration,” concluded Chief Danley.
“Partnership and transparency require an ongoing dialogue that builds trust,” said Imad Hamad, AHRC Executive Director. “We appreciate the spirit of openness and mutual respect that this ongoing engagement creates and sustains,” added Hamad. “AHRC appreciates chief Danley’s commitment to engaging with all stakeholders,” concluded Hamad.