Help Myanmar

By Alexander Opicho - Lodwar, Kenya

Nebulous dragon is under the waters
In which peace of Myanmar oft drinks
Quenching thirsty in democracy for all
Now hell is let loose with violence and
Mass mayhem on the Protestant streets
Let us lovers of good governance with
Naught but to yell in tune with the people
holding placards in defense of civil rule
As they cry-Help Myanmar back to civil
Rule, Free that Daughter of the East
To nurse young democracy in Myanmar ,

Myanmar gave the world man U thant
The fiery giant of peace and diplomacy
Let the world give Myanmar the return
To push the military back to garrisons
Restoring civil women to political power
We all owe Myanmar this sacred duty
We do it with passion of a slave to royal
Assignment lest we taste hottest point
Of hell as all aloof bystanders are bound,

Alexander Opicho writes from, Lodwar, Kenya.