Abia State Coalition of NGOs Sets To Implement SDGs
The Coalition of Non -Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in Abia State is ready to accelerate progress towards the implementation of the SDGs by challenging governmental and Non-governmental organisations to develop inclusive models that offer the potential for success and development impact.
Life Care Outreach, Mrs Ruth Oyediya Daniel Eke said the aim of the Sensitization Workshop NGOs is to express their readiness to implement the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and also part of their strategies to mobilize citizens to participate in the Sustainable Development Goals.She said, the SDGs goals which replaced the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) was launched on 25th September, 2015 and two years after Abia State NGOs are yet to key into the programme. “The Coalition aims to reiterate the need for NGOs to implement the Sustainable Development Goals in Abia State” she added.
She emphasized that, NGOs are catalysts for change and drivers of development as internationally recognised, therefore, NGOs inputs are needed to deliver Sustainable Development Goals to citizens and make sure that poor and marginalised groups are included in the programme
According to her, the SDGs is a set of seventeen Global Goals adopted in September 2015, by all 193 Member States of the United Nations including Nigeria for achieving a better future for the next 15 years to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and protect our planet. That the SDGs follow and expand on the millennium development goals (MDGs), which were agreed by governments in 2001 and expired at the end of the year 2015.
In her words “Each of the 17 goals has specific targets to be achieved over the next 15 years on critical sustainability issues such as poverty, climate change, inequality, economic development, and ecosystem protection, the SDGs will be implemented in all countries, across different territorial scales.”
The Workshop featured a Technical session, during which participants reviewd the 17 goals and discussed extensively on how capacities at state and local levels can be strengthened. to help participants understand the 17 SDGs, thus: No poverty ; Zero hunger ; Good health and well-being ; Quality education ; Gender equality ; Clean water and sanitation ; Affordable and clean energy ; Decent work and economic growth ; Industry, innovation, infrastructure ; Reduced inequalities ; Sustainable cities and communities ; Responsible consumption, production ; Climate action ; Life below water ; Life on land ; Peace, justice and strong institutions and Partnerships for the goals
The occasion was attended by stakeholders in Non governmental activities in Abia State drawn from 47 organisations, including; National Council for Women Society,CRUDAN, FENRAD,CCRD, Ideal Nigeria,WOFWID,RERWI, Centre for Citizens with Disabilities(CCD), NASSI, JDPC,Human Rights, Justice and Peace Foundation, Institute for Continuous Education,Roses for Women,Etoama Global Transperency,IPIMD,OSEDEF,Campaign for Good Governence,Abia Self Help,GRACDEV, Centre for Youth Care,Community Women Association,Women of Hope Development Inititaive,SMACS,Noni-Development Foundation,Rural Alert,Total Health Organisation, IAVE Nigeria, and others.
In his remarks, the Chairman of Life Care Outreach and a renowned Strategist, Dr. Obi Osisiogu, emphasized the need for NGOs to synergize and drive the process as the government alone cannot in practical terms reach the grassroots effectively. He said the Coalition will offer support to the state government to reflect the new global agenda in the State and local government development plans and policies. According to him, work is already underway in many countries in providing support to accelerate progress on SDG targets. And he promised that the Coalition will make her expertise on sustainable development and governance available to the state government at all stages of implementation.
The next training of the Coalition will take place in the Abia State capital, Umuahia, in two weeks time.