The Storms Ring Their Black Bells

Source: Mr. Adeola Ikuomola

The storms ring their black bells
To awaken warfare in dark rebels
With the tongues of the wary peak
Like thunders on the platform to speak
The storms compose a blank verse
With ethnic nationalities so diverse
Even from the light awakening east
Emerges the fangs of the bloody beast
The storms offer no safety car park
But the fireworks eye blinding spark
The landmarks mourn their fallen vine
With all pupils seeking the eternal divine
The storms is a wall against the ray
Singing solo up the trail-blazing tray
Wanton destructions make the day’s lot
On the faces of the bewildered skies’ slot
The storms ordered all souls to pray
Like rainbow’s proud purposes to spray
With contrary views the clouds keep a date
For nervous navels in mortals’ earth mandate