The Raelian Movement will become even stronger after my death: Rael Maitreya — an Interview with TNV
At the age of 27, Claude Maurice Marcel Vorilhon — known as Rael Maitreya or Maitreya Rael was living his passion as a race-car driver and journalist. In December 13, in 1973, that was changed forever, when, on his way to work, he had the UFO encounter that transformed his life forever. From that day forward, he has toured the world recounting his astonishing experience in media interviews and conferences. During his extraterrestrial encounters, Rael received a series of messages that touch on all aspects of human life.
Rael is the founder and current leader of the UFO religion known as Raëlism.He was born in September 30, in 1946 in Vichy of Allier in France.
Sensual Meditation, Geniocracy, Raëlian Cosmology, Intelligent Design: Message from the Designers are his notable ideas. Also he wrote many books and traveled the world to promote his books for over 30 years.
Intelligent Design - Message from the Designers, Yes to human cloning, The Maitreya: Extracts from his Teachings, Sensual Meditation, and Geniocracy: Government of the people, for the people, by the Geniuses are his most notable and popular books Maitreya Rael has ever written.
RAEL is also initiator of Biotechnological Industry ClonAid — a human cloning organization that provides service of CLONAID, INSURACLONE, OVULAID, CLONAPET. AlonAid gave birth world's first clone baby namely Eve in 2002. According to world's media reported ClonAid's total research purpose net wealth is exceed in Billions Dollars size.
Recently Modern Ghana Media Group’s South Asian Representative Md. Hasanuzzaman Talukdar Shemul has been loaded an Interview of the Great Leader “Rael Maitreya“ of Intelligent Based Organization RAEL. The Nigerian Voice is a part of MG Media Group and the Interview was taken for The Nigerian Voice.
Rael Maitreya: Hi and thanks for your friend request.
Are you Raelian? If yes write it in your facebook profile instead of Islam and then send me another friend request.
Please read the following:
WARNING: I accept as friends on this private page only those who write in their profile that they are RAELIANS. But others can access the RAEL fan page.
This because I may soon reach the maximum number of friends on this private page (due to this stupid FB policy limiting the number of friends). When those happen please check my fan page RAEL where there is no limit and you can still communicate with me on this private page.
Peace and love, RAEL!
Hasan Uz—Zaman Shemul (TNV): Hello Dear Sir, Actually in religious faith I'm in Islam. But I would like to see Rael as scientific organization like NASA, CERN, ClonAid, DARPA and etc. So, once I joined Rael and assisted to translate website and now sometimes also cooperate with a Korean Raelian namely Kim Amor - who said, he responsible for Bangladesh Raelian Movement (BRM). I try to provide him little support whatever I can like translating.
However, I hope you understood me; I would like to add Rael and/or ClonAid and other into my profile as part of professional service. And as a Leader of a faith base organization, leader of a world prominent organization you cannot remark "stupid FB policy" on facebook because you know we are using it with free of cost, if facebook charge you cost for its using and membership! So for just little a things you marks facebook using stupid/slang, it will raise questions against your leadership, your physical and/or mental fitness. You have to understand if such a leader talk like this way, people judge he is mentally sick. Anyway, I would like to work with Rael and its other scientific organization.
Rael Maitreya: The rules of facebook are stupid and as a leader of an intelligence based organization and not at all a faith based organization I will continue to claim it high and clear as well as say loudly that there is no god no soul and no spirit ! Facebook being free or not doesn't change the fact that many of their policies are stupid!
Hasan Uz—Zaman Shemul (TNV): That is very good idea of intelligence based organization in the line of faith based organization and science based organization.
I impressed dear sir. After your entire concept is good and specially I very much interest on your ClonAid.
Rael Maitreya: Clonaid is not part of our organization but a private company run by Brigitte Boisselier.
Hasan Uz—Zaman Shemul (TNV): But she is spokesperson of your intelligence based organization and Clonaid leader. My dear good sir, I understood that you are a good man, so for unknown reason I may work for+with you as my capacity best. If you had read Robotic series and Foundation series you may understand that nobody proclaimed the Robotics civilization as like its author Isaac Asimov and though I am trying to a better improvement of robot civilization in my Kohekaf Nagar the AudaCity series's Two DA Commonwealth part. Whatever I want to said Japan built world's first humanoid namely Asimo — though Japan nor its builder Honda company not said that they hired this name from Author Asimov or named to honored after his name but we everybody know it that Japan honored to Isaac Asimov to name the Robot as Asimo but they but honda marks ASIMO, as an acronym for “Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility” — ASIMO. So I also request you about Rael in such your science intelligence sector of Clonaid and others.
Rael Maitreya: (Her facebook address)
Hasan Uz—Zaman Shemul (TNV): Ok, I sent her a request and a message. However, If anybody would ask you about achievement of your organization, dear sir! What development you will do more in your present time, I'm asking you because you are now around to 70 years old. What is your vision of RAEL and the mission after your death? Many a organization in the world stopped or inactivated after it's leader die. So, do you think you have done anything special for the Raelism that it may sustain longtime after your death and to forever?
Rael Maitreya: The Raelian Movement will become even stronger after my death. We have now 1.00.000 members and growing, and it will become the majority religion on Earth after a while.
Hasan Uz—Zaman Shemul (TNV): Your vision is very good but anything special you are leaving for your lots of supporters? Because once they trusts on you, your beliefs. Sometimes it happened that a guardian of a family, of a society or community - if die the under subordinates become and feel very helpless and shelterless, and often really they fall in such crisis -- because the guardian/leader has strong network around him and as well globally, by with helps he run and organize the family, society, community or organization.
Sometimes it happen when world most powerful, famous and corporate person die, the world's stock markets fall down, why it is happen clearly I do not know. But we easily understand if a leader or guardian has die, the society or organization become shelterless, if he would not set pre-coverage before he die or if the support would not take by anyway.
Rael Maitreya: I don't answer questions on facebook. After their death the followers of Jesus, Mahomet and Buddha did quite well wink emoticon.
Hasan Uz—Zaman Shemul (TNV): If you sat any book(s) for Raelians as their guide forever, what is that? Whatever found in is it? Or you have any plan to write special one?
Rael Maitreya: No.
Hasan Uz—Zaman Shemul (TNV): However sir, where do you live right now and about your wife, children and family, how you pass your everyday?
Rael Maitreya: I don't answer questions on facebook. And especially not about my private life.
Hasan Uz—Zaman Shemul (TNV): Ok. But what is the way to talk you without Facebook. I would like to know how you prophesied on Raelism or it is your own concept.
Rael Maitreya: Read my books.
Hasan Uz—Zaman Shemul (TNV): Already I did read something. Dear good sir, I would like to know about progress of your Elohim's embassy setup in the any place of the world? What you progressed of it?
Rael Maitreya: (and) The Official News and Views of the Raelian Movement. Home of the weekly Raelian newsletter.
Hasan Uz—Zaman Shemul (TNV): Dear Sir, I am a journalist and South Asian Representative of Modern Ghana Media Group that this news company host three news publishing concern; The Nigerian Voice, Modern Ghana, and Nigeria Films — as you already knew about me in the beginning of our conversation — I hoped for (I shared my article links on my facebook wall and my identity in Twitter profile). Wishing you Great Respect Love!
Rael Maitreya: Great for any request contact our PR Brigitte Boisselier. Peace and love, RAEL.
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