
Source: pointblanknews.com

Israelis and pro-Israel activists have started a social media campaign tagged: #BringBackOurBoys, to raise awareness about the kidnapping of three young Israeli students last Thursday night in the Gush Etzion area in the West Bank.

This is similar to the recent campaign for the release of over 200 female students abducted from a secondary school in Chibok, Nigeria by Boko Haram Insurgents. In both instances, innocent students were kidnapped by terrorist organizations seeking to wreak havoc in the area.

In a sweeping show of support, Jerusalem Police estimated that over 30,000 people, among them family members of the abducted teens, attended a mass prayer session at the Western Wall on Sunday to join in supplication for the safe release of the kidnapped students.

The three teens  – Gil-ad Shaar (16), Naftali Frenkel (16), and Eyal Yifrach (19) – were reportedly last spotted at a hitchhiking post in the vicinity of Hebron on Thursday night. No one has seen or heard from them since.

Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu after a security cabinet meeting in Jerusalem held the Palestinian Authority, headed by President Abbas, responsible for the fate of the kidnapped teens and for terrorists' activity emanating from the areas under its control. He further stated that the PA must do whatever is necessary to assist in bringing the boys back home.

The Palestinian terrorist organization, foremost among them the extreme Islamic group, Hamas is committed to the destruction of Israel and to carry out terrorists' attacks against Israeli civilians. Dozens of attempted kidnappings have been foiled in the last year alone.

Those in the international community who hold the view that President Abbas' pact with Hamas would advance peace can now witness the true results of this union. Hamas, like its Islamic terrorist counterparts in the Middle East, threatens the stability of the region and its actions should be condemned in the strongest terms.

Instead of abiding by its international obligations to disarm Hamas, President Abbas has embraced Hamas, by establishing a unity government with them, lending legitimacy to terrorism.

Ambassador Uriel Palti
Embassy of Israel, Abuja
Tony Obiechina
Senior Media & Political Officer
Embassy of Israel, Abuja-Nigeria
Tel. +234-9-4605506
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