Keys to receiving the Fire of God

thirst for God
thirst for God

Mathew 5:6
1. Hunger and thirst for the word of God.
A Christian cannot get very far with the Lord, if all that he or she does, is read a verse of Scripture per day and if what the person read, is not even understood and digested.

Luke 4:4:
'And Jesus answered him, saying: 'It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God'.

Some people are depending on what they learnt in the Sunday School, when they were young. Many claim that their brain is getting old and cannot retain anything. It is a pity that God will not take such excuses from anyone. At the same time, the devil will take advantage of their ignorance of the word of God; to deal with them Some are not even bothered. Those who were serious with the Lord as we were growing in the Christian faith are doing something tangible for the Lord now. Those who just attended fellowship for the sake of it, and had no time for the word of God, are still patching up with life today.

2. Become a prayer addict
The Bible says: 'Pray without ceasing'. Prayer is the means by which we communicate with God and He is never tired of listening to His children.

3. Live a life of holiness
The Bible says: 'Without holiness, no man can see God' Live a sinless life, in words thoughts and deeds.

4. Complete obedience to God
Whatever God asks you to do personally or through His words, must be done without questioning. Do not argue with God, for or against, when He asks you to do any thing. It might not sound logical; do it.

5. Have a great desire for the return of the Lord
1 John 3:1-4:
You have to be expectant of His coming that He could come back at any time; by so doing, you will not mind the things of the world, you will not do anything that would displease the Lord.

6. Have violent faith in God
Take God for His word. Do not be the kind of Christian that would grumble and cry

7. Love sacrificially
Love everybody it is an act that depicts our adherence to the Lord. He says: 'By this shall men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love, one for another.'

By Pst D.K Olukoya