Today’s Christian Devotion 22-09-2023
Almighty God, thank you that you are my hope, and you are my strength. You are guiding me towards your will, and I will follow you. I will walk in amazing faith this day. I will declare that my enemies will not triumph over me, darkness will not cover my glory, because I was created to be powerful, I was created to be victorious. Today, I will walk in the power, purpose and peace of God, hallelujah, in the mighty name of Jesus, amen.
Oh Lord, I'm asking for faith without doubting, because I know that you are faithful. I lift up my needs to you my God who calms the storm, raises the dead and saves my soul. I believe you can do anything, in Jesus mighty name, amen and amen. *Remember that to walk with God is heaven, but to turn aside from him is hell*.
Good morning, and have a joyful friday.