Author: Igwe Paul Chijoke

The outcome, would it have been any different?

Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Ifejuna manuscript : Ifejuna wrote on the issue of the first coup and why the military stroke citing in it the perpetrators of that agenda. Subsequent works on the first military coup that plunge the nation into over thrity years of military dictatorship reveal the tribes those military officers ...

This’ the way it’s,thing’ll never be the same again

Wednesday, October 18, 2017
From the north to south, and from the east to west, many of the political leaders are calling for unity and indissolubility of the Nigeria state yet they fail to do the needful,they do not want to sit and find a vintage point, a common ground to settle the many Nigeria problems. No nation has ev ...

:The giant cannot stand

Sunday, June 11, 2017
The giant cannot stand, the knees are feeble and the toes are jittering, the weight from the head to the loins is telling on legs. The many forces holding the edifice have become broken. There is no strength in her loins. And the great status is cracked to the point of no repair. Awaiting now for th ...