Lord, Change My Name (2)

By Gabriel Agbo
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Gabriel Agbo

God will change your identity! For that lasting divine promise to actualize and settle in your life, in your family and in your business, it may require a supernatural shift, a change, a repositioning and an upgrading of your identity. That woman’s name was changed from Sarai to Sarah to be able to accommodate that spectacular, generational miracle that God was about to do in her life. Listen to this, “Then God said to Abraham, ‘Regarding Sarai, your wife—her name will no longer be Sarai. From now on her name will be Sarah. And I will bless her and give you a son from her! Yes, I will bless her richly, and she will become the mother of many nations. Kings of nations will be among her descendants.” Genesis 17:15-16. Sarai means contentious, debatable.But Sarah is My Princess. She is going to be a princess of God that will birth the promises of God to humanity. I love the possessive pronoun ‘My’ that God used there. It shows that he specially owned Sarah because she was carrying his very important plan and vision. My Princess! When you carry God’s vision, divine interest, he places special interest, ownership, attention and protection on you. He guides you until you deliver. In fact that was why he told Jacob at Bethel that he (God) would not leave him until he had fulfilled all that he (God) promised him. Do you know that you are carrying God’s plans and promises? Do you know that he will constantly watch over you until all come to pass?? What you are pregnant with is of the Holy Spirit! Yes, nothing, nobody, no situation and no opposition no devil can stop or destroy you until those dreams are fulfilled!

This change of identity was necessary to facilitate that transformation of believe, vision, thinking and reproductive organs that will be able to accommodate the miraculous conception and delivery of a baby by a woman of ninety years old. It was almost like Mary conceiving Jesus without the input of Joseph or any man. If the angel Gabriel had not come to explain and reassure them, there was no way they could have understood or accommodated that supernatural event that will forever change the power, spiritual and redemptive calculation of the whole universe. Now, I am sure that you are reading this message because what God is about to do in your life will not only affect you, but impact those around you and humanity. A woman with dead organs, dead hormones and even dead hope will conceive and give birth to a son. My God! Yes, I added dead hope because they were not expecting that again and even when God began to talk about it, she would laugh and laugh it off. It was like a very impossible and expensive joke to her. What are those things that are looking dead and hopeless in and around you? They are waking up today in the name of Jesus because you must give birth to that divine promise! They will be revived! The bible said that Sarah’s body - reproductive organs were already dead. My daughter Joy would say ‘very dead’ when she was a kid. It was indeed very dead!

Sarah’s name was not just changed in the physical. No. She was transformed spiritually from that mocked and barren woman to the mother of many nations and many kings even before the physical manifestation. The physical change of name was just to reflect what had already been done in the spirit. The spirit rules the physical. It first happens in the spirit then it will manifest in the physical. What you see is just a result or the effect of the actions and reactions you do not see. What are people calling you today? What is that unpleasant condition that has stuck to your life and is giving you an unpleasant identity? It has been changed and you will begin to see the physical manifestation from now. Sometimes you may be required to change your believe, your position, your attitude or your identity before you receive the perfection of God’s promises for your life. And when I say identity, I don’t just mean physical name. No. There are some people that have wrong, cursed, sinful and manipulated spiritual identity. When their blessings are coming, they find it difficult to locate them. I have heard people that missed their marriages, favour and other blessings because the person to attend to them had a terrible dream about them and changed their mind. This is spiritual manipulation of identity. Many are today blocked in the spirit. Their true identity has been tampered with. It has been distorted.

Some, their would-be benefactors will be warned or scared away not to offer any help to the individual. This explains why most people do not get favoured or blessed even when they are very hard-working, qualified, connected and good looking. And unless such yokes, hindrances and distorted identities are changed, the person would continue to have misfortunes, lack of favour and lack blessings. Just look around, you will see them everywhere - unsuccessful, unmarried, unemployed, underemployed and disorganized - lacking help and favour. Pining away. But those less endowed and less qualified overtake them. Are you not seeing them? You need a change of spiritual identity to be able to change your physical manifestation. You have been manipulated in the spirit. You must ask God to change your identity now. This is the type of situation that Solomon described as strange to him because he saw beggars riding on horses and princes trekking on foot. My God! As I write this, I am speaking with a lady that I have known for more than twenty years now. She is in tears. She is asking me to pray for her. She could not understand why she would have a family that is very rich, billionaires and still be suffering. I saw with her because I have worked for them years back. Truly they are some of the richest you would find around with luscious investments scatters everywhere. They are extremely wealthy! But look at one of their own suffering in the midst of not just plenty, but surplus. She even complained that people mock and refuse to help her when they know her family background. Favour is coming for you! We will continue. Share this message with others.

Rev Gabriel Agbo is the author of the books / audiobooks: Power of Midnight Prayer, Receive Your Healing, Breaking Generational Curses: Claiming Your Freedom, Never Again!, I Shall Not Die, Move Forward, Power of Sacrifice and many others. Tel: 08037113283 Facebook: Power of Midnight Prayer Fans E-mail: [email protected] Website www.authorsden.com/pastorgabrielnagbo Twitter: pastorgabagbo Whatsapp: