Today’s Christian Devotion 07-05-2024

By The Nigerian Voice

Father, I woke up this morning with a thankful heart for all the good things you're doing in my life. For all the troubles that you are seeing me through, and for all the strength you always send to me, I say thank you Lord. Today father, I ask for wisdom over my choices, for supernatural favour over my circumstances and for increased channels of blessings in my life, in the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

As I go out today, O Lord, please give me ideas, and open doors that no one can close, and close the wrong doors. Father, I wish to thank you in advance that I will always have what I need at a time I need it, and that I will always have more than enough. Thank you that you are blessing me so that I will be a blessing to others, in Jesus mighty name, amen. *Don't forget God when it's well with you*.

Good morning, and have a gracious day.