Today’s Christian Devotion 29-04-2024

By The Nigerian Voice

Thank you father that there's absolutely no way I can stay focused without you. Your spirit enables me to exercise self-control in every area of my life and not to lose focus on my goal, in the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

As a new day dawns, lord, please send the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me in my outing today so as to be successful in every endeavour. Father, please lead me into your abundance of joy today. I shall come in contact with people of stability and strength.

O Lord, please send people of great substance that would bless my efforts as I step out in faith today. With perfect peace, father satisfy me today, in Jesus mighty name, amen and amen. Remember that worry is worshiping your problems, but prayer is surrendering your problems.

Good morning, and have a productive monday.